Extension Updates

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.

September 12, 2013

On Behalf of JoAnn Powell and the State Extension Administration Office:


It appears the Front Range region has been inundated with rain, flooding and closures. Many offices are closed or opening late; meetings may or may not occur. Be safe. Participate in alternative ways. The priority is you, your family, your home and community. Keep us posted so that we can keep the regions informed. Adams and Boulder County offices are closed today, Denver opened at 10:00 a.m.

Safe travel to those of you headed off to Pittsburgh for the Galaxy conference.

WEDA Awards of Excellence

The Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA) Awards of Excellence Program recognizes Extension outreach education programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments, results, and impacts in addressing contemporary issues. Winners receive a plaque, certificate, and monetary stipend in support of their program. The award recipients present a brief seminar at the time of the award presentation.

The Colorado Building Farmers program received an honorable mention. Team leaders: Adrian Card, Dawn Thilmany, Darrin Parmenter, and Martha Sullins. Participating contributors: Emily Lockard, Yvette Henson, Blake Angelo, Karen Crumbaker, Kurt Jones, and Ed Page.

The Native Plant Master program received a regional qualifying program distinction. Team members: Jennifer Ackerfield, Alexis Alvey, George Beck, Rusty Collins, Karen Crumbaker, Andrea Cummins, Barbara Fahey, Yvette Henson, Yinyan Huang, Tom Hooten, Brian Kailey, Merrill Kingsbury, Tony Koski, Linda Langelo, Casey Matney, Linda McMulkin, Susan Panjabi, Mark Paschke, Mark Platten, Susan Rose, Dan Schroder, Irene Shonle, Steve Wallner, Glenda Wentworth, and Robin Young.

Personnel Update

It looks like the spell has been broken. About two months after announcing that the Front Range region had no vacancies, we now have two.

Kacy Atkinson is leaving Extension for a position she describes as her dream job—working with the Wyoming Business Council to run the Wyoming L.E.A.D. program—this program is very similar to the Colorado Ag Leadership Program many of you have participated in. Kacy’s last day will be September 30. “CSU Extension is made up of some of the best people I’ve been fortunate to work with, and I will miss my colleagues dearly. I have learned more than I imagined possible and grown into a better person thanks to my time here.” Thank you Kacy for all you have contributed to Extension, Arapahoe County and 4-H. The search committee of Tim Aston, Don Klemme, Erin Van Peer, Jean Glowacki and me as chair will be working over the next several months to fill this position.

Andrea Cummins will be leaving Colorado and returning home to the Seattle area. Andrea’s last day will be October 4. Andrea will be taking some time to enjoy western Washington and friends before beginning the search for that next position. Thanks Andrea for everything you have done to make the Douglas County Master Gardener program; one that people truly enjoy being a part of and contributing to horticulture programming statewide. You will be missed. Try to stay dry in Washington. This county funded position is under review—more information as it becomes available.

Diversity Symposium – Jan Carroll

The CSU 2013 Diversity Symposium is September 17–19, on campus. This year it is in collaboration with the University Center for the Arts. On Tuesday, sessions will be in the Lory Student Center. Evening keynote is John Amos at the University Theatre. Wednesday there will be a panel discussion “diversity of political thought,” and an evening performance by the Black Pioneers in Music Performance (Griffin Concert Hall). Thursday’s program features more sessions in the Student Center, and also “Art in the Round” with 30-minute presentations of dance, music, textiles, art, and lecture. Visit http://www.diversity.colostate.edu/ or on Facebook.com/CSU Diversity.

Forum 2013 – Judy Barth

Forum will be held November 4-8. Forum 2013 will look very different from previous years. First and foremost, only the far north end of the Lory Student Center is available, so all meetings will take place in Rooms 220-230 and the North Ballroom. Entrance to LSC is through the Transit Center on the north side.

This year Forum is being planned by the Program Area Leaders (PALs) and will be content update for all program areas. Attached is the current agenda – only small changes are expected at this point. As you will see, the time each individual will need to be at Forum is likely shorter than in previous years. 4-H activities begin on Monday and conclude with the Awards and Recognition Reception and Banquet on Tuesday evening. Ag/NR and FCS programming begins Tuesday at 11AM on Tuesday and will conclude no later than 5PM on Thursday. There are NO scheduled activities on Friday.

Another change that you’ll notice is that we will NOT be offering full breakfasts each morning. Since many hotels offer breakfast as a part of the room cost, we will reduce morning offerings to drinks and healthy snacks. Breaks and the Thursday boxed lunches will be provided in the programming rooms. The only joint time will be the Administrative Update on Tuesday afternoon and the Reception/Banquet Tuesday evening.

Registration will open October 7 and remain open until October 21. The registration fee will be $75 this year. If you have questions about the general Forum agenda, please contact my office. If you have specific questions about the programming sessions, please contact the appropriate PAL: 4-H - Jeff Goodwin; Energy - Cary Weiner; Community Development - Jacque Miller; Competitive and Sustainable Agriculture AND Natural Resources and the Environment - Steve Newman; and Family and Consumer Sciences - Susan Baker.

Update on Professional Development Funds – Judy Barth

Effective immediately, the restriction that funds may not be requested sooner than 3 months in advance of the professional development opportunity is NO LONGER IN EFFECT. In other words, if you anticipate needing funds at any point in the ’13-’14 fiscal year, you may request funds now.

Please Check Length of Service List – Judy Barth

Click here for the current list of individuals who will be recognized at this year’s Forum for Length of Service Milestones. Keep in mind that we recognize ALL Extension service regardless of location, so someone coming to CSUE with 9 years of Extension experience in another state will be recognized for 10 years of experience after only being in Colorado for one year. Please check the attached list if you believe you should be recognized this year for 5-10-15-20-25-30-35 or 40 years of service (or even if you don’t – you might be surprised). Let me or Susan Harris (970) 491-7866 know of any problems with this list. Thanks.

CSU Extension’s Google Liquid Galaxy – Angie Asmus

A Google Liquid Galaxy wrap-around multi-monitor workstation has been set up in Room 106 of University Square for all Extension staff to use. The room will be open during business hours on Monday – Friday. If you have any technical problems when using the equipment, please see the Technology Unit.

Specialists’ Introductions

Deborah Young

Meet CSU Extension Specialist Deborah Young

Title: Professor
College: Bio-agricultural Sciences and Pest Management
Department: Agricultural Sciences
% Extension Time: 51%
Years with CSU: 6
Extension/Outreach Involvement: Integrated Pest Management - http://coloradoipmcenter.agsci.colostate.edu/
Research Area: See: http://bspm.agsci.colostate.edu/people-button/faculty/deborah-young/
Contact Information: C209 Plant Sciences, 1177 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1177, 970-491-1377 deborah.young@colostate.edu


Franklin Garry

Meet CSU Extension Specialist Franklyn Garry

Title: Professor
College: Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Department: Clinical Sciences
% Extension Time: 16%
Years with CSU: 26
Extension/Outreach Involvement: Veterinary extension specialist. Work with the range livestock team and the food systems team. Write a column on food systems for the Coloradoan. Work with dairy and beef producers on problem solving.
Research Area: Dairy and beef cattle health
Teaching Responsibilities: Mostly teach in the professional veterinary curriculum, but also involved in some animal science courses.
Hobbies/Interests: Skiing, hockey, biking, woodworking, hiking
Contact Information: B209 Vet Teaching Hospital, 1678 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1678, 970-297-0371 franklyn.garry@colostate.edu
