Extension Updates

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.

March 13, 2014

On Behalf of JoAnn Powell:

A long update, but full of information you may need!

Greetings all,

Hope all of your clocks have caught up with day-light savings time change; it is certainly nice to have some daylight after work. If you have been waiting for winter to be done—Good News!—spring officially begins next Thursday, March 20th.

CSU Budget

Yesterday I attended Provost Miranda’s Open Budget Forum. He talked primarily about the new resources the University anticipates having and how those resources are proposed to be used. I am rounding and lumping numbers; if you want detail go to the provost’s web page at http://provost.colostate.edu/files/2014/03/budget-open-forum-slides.pdf.


The University is anticipating approximately $25.5 million in new resources for fiscal year 2015 (beginning July 1, 2014). These will be generated/received through three primary avenues:

  • $14.6 million in additional tuition dollars (grad, undergrad and differential),
  • $139K in increased indirect from additional contract and grant, and
  • $10.8 million in additional state funding.

Tuition is projected to increase 5% for undergrads for fall 2014 semester (the governor asked schools to keep it at 6% or less) and 3% for non-resident grad, undergrad, and resident grad students for fall 2014.

Proposed Uses for Those New Resources

The biggest drivers will be salary and benefit increases for University staff, support for the colleges and students, and strategic projects.

  • The University is looking at a 2.5% average salary increase for faculty and administrative professionals. As you are aware, the state requires that this increase be distributed based on merit. A 4.5% increase has been set by the state for state classified employees. These increases and related benefits will cost approximately $9.2 million.
  • The University has also determined that the DCP retirement benefit (Defined Contribution Program) is not on par with peer institutions and is proposing a 1% increase in the University contribution. Cost is about $1.5 million. The University is considering an additional 1% increase over the next two years as well to close this gap.
  • Faculty promotions are expected to cost about $600K and the tuition pool for GRAs and GTAs will increase by about $260K.
  • Financial aid and scholarship are expected to increase by $2.4 million.
  • Utility increase (new facilities coming on line), debt service, and other mandatory costs are expected to increase by $3.1 million.
  • Deployment of funds to the colleges for enrollment growth, differential tuition, and tuition sharing with the college of veterinary medicine account for about $3.5 million.
  • Provost Miranda also indicated that the University had made about $3.5 million in commitments to enhancements as requested by various units. No specifics were provided. He did indicate that about $20 million in requests were received from across the University.

This leaves a balance of approximately $1.4 million that has not been committed. Please keep in mind this is a preliminary budget; numbers and projects may change. The University will deliver its budget proposal to the Board of Governors in early April so they can be prepared to take action on it in May.

2014 Programming and Performance Goals

This is the time of year when each of us is making visible to our supervisors, PRUs, colleagues, and stakeholders what we plan to do and accomplish in 2014. Developing your personal plans to invest was the first step. Thanks for getting them in. Supervisors have until Friday to review and approved those plans for 2014. Just a reminder—plans can change. If your plans change and you need to add, delete, or change things up—visit with your supervisor and ask them to revert your plan to draft so you can make it more relevant and/or easier to report against. Keep the narratives coming—as I am doing performance appraisals, the additional information really helps me to see and understand the situation, what was done, and your challenges and accomplishments. A special shout out to Front Range region staff Mary Baldwin, Shaylen Florez, Brenda Kwang, Jacki Paone and Irene Shonle who have already reported against their plans. Nicely done!

Would also encourage you to think about the 2014 performance goals you are setting for yourself as part of the e review process. Progress toward and accomplishment of goals is considered not only in core ratings but also in overall rating. Goals are that place where you can individualize and highlight the work and growth that is essential to you and your program. Consider the following elements of SMART GOALS when designing yours for 2014. The more well designed your goals are—the farther they will take you.


What is “Program” when planning and reporting (200 days = 1 FTE)?

Get research-driven information that will inspire innovation, offer new perspective, spark original ideas, and ultimately impact your personal and professional lives—for free! OnlinePlus has invited engaging thought leaders from across industries to discuss today’s hottest topics. Each hour-long webinar includes a Q&A session so you can personalize your experience with our experts. If you’re unable to attend the scheduled presentation, sessions will be available “on-demand” for a limited time after the live event. Space is limited and registration is free. To reserve your spot and check out future offerings, go to www.online.colostate.edu/intro/webinars/thought-leadership/2014-series.dot.

  • March 19, 1:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. — Dr. Tasha Eurich
    Bankable Leadership: Happy People, Bottom Line Results and the Power to Deliver Both
  • March 25, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — Dr. Bernie Rollins
    Animal Rights as a Mainstream Phenomenon
  • May 8, 11:30a.m.–12:30 p.m. — Dr. Pete Seel
    Your Immortal Digital Life: Thinking about the Preservation or Deletion of Your On-line legacy

Front Range and Campus Search Update

  • Douglas County Horticulture Agent. Interviews are scheduled for March 19 and 20. Candidates are: are Julia Berry, Brooke Colburn, Jane Rozum, and Anastasia Tonti.
  • Boulder County Horticulture Agent. Interviews are scheduled for March 25 and 26. Candidates are: Deryn Davidson, Joshua Pool, Jane Rozum, and Carrie Shimada.
  • Extension Budgets and Finance Director. Interviews are March 17 and 25. Candidates are Jessica Fuentes, Beth Kessler, and David Leathers.
  • Nutrition Program Supervisor, North Central Colorado. This position closes April 4.
  • El Paso County 4-H. The position description is in development.
