Extension Updates

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.

September 10, 2014

On Behalf of the State Extension Administration Office Update

2014 CSU Extension Distinguished Service Awards

Don’t forget! The deadline for receipt of nominations is 5:00 pm on Wednesday, October 1, 2014. Nominations should be emailed to Lori Bates at lori.bates@colostate.edu. If you have questions regarding submitting your nomination, contact Lori at 970-491-2858.

Each award recipient and team unit receives a monetary award and a recognition plaque. The awards will be given at Extension Forum banquet on Tuesday, November 11. The forms for nominations are available at the CSU Extension website: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/staffres/nomination.html. Or, link to the Extension Home Page at www.ext.colostate.edu then click on “Faculty & Staff Resources”, then on “Forms,” and then on “Nomination Forms.”

Extension Updates Reminder

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates at lori.bates@colostate.edu.

The biweekly Extension updates are posted and archived on our website at http://www.ext.colostate.edu/ext-news/. From the CSUE main page, click on Faculty & Staff Resources, Organizational Information & Resources, Extension Updates.

New and Recently Reviewed Fact Sheets – Ruth Willson and Joanne Littlefield

Lists of new and recently reviewed fact sheets are uploaded to our website every month with the latest information. These lists can be accessed from the main Extension page in the ‘new & recently reviewed fact sheets’ menu option below the gold ‘Online Publications’ button located on the right hand side. The information can also be found in the ‘Faculty & Staff Resources’ section, under ‘Fact Sheets,’ on the ‘Fact Sheet Production Information’ page. In addition, you will also find information about active and discontinued fact sheets. If you see one on the discontinued list that you'd like reactivated, please contact us.

CSU 2014 Diversity Symposium – Jan Carroll

The 14th Annual Diversity Symposium is being held September 16-18 in the Lory Student Center (http://www.diversity.colostate.edu/symposium/). This year presenters will focus sessions on trending topics of diversity in higher education and topics directly relating to diversity initiatives at Colorado State. We hope any Extension employees who are near campus will plan to attend. General sessions run 9 am – 3 pm Tuesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, the keynote speaker, Freeman Hrabowksi, III, will speak in the Lory Student Center Theatre at 6:30 pm. This event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required. Freeman A. Hrabowski, III, has served as President of UMBC (The University of Maryland, Baltimore County) since 1992. He also was recently named by President Obama to chair the newly created President's Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for African Americans. In 2008, he was named one of America's Best Leaders by U.S. News & World Report, which ranked UMBC the nation's #1 "Up and Coming" university the past five years (2009-13). TIME magazine named him one of America's 10 Best College Presidents in 2009, and one of the "100 Most Influential People in the World" in 2012.

Taking Good Pictures (with your cell phone) – Joanne Littlefield

We want your photos! With continually evolving digital technology, the chance to capture the 'moments of Extension' have never been easier. Your cell phone or ipad, close at hand, is capable of taking the types of photographs that visually tell the story of Extension in the field. With a few attention to details, you can provide the visual appeal that we need for websites, reports and more.

You're busy putting together an educational program; all the details have been attended to; publicity, your PowerPoint, any props you need, registration (which includes a disclaimer about photographs), etc.. The program is underway and then, when you have a few minutes to take a breather, the thought might pop in your head, 'I should take pictures'. Grab your phone, check for distracting backgrounds, move around a little bit to get a good angle, see if the light looks good, and take it!

Colorado State University photographer John Eisele provides some great advice in the PowerPoint which he allowed us to post on our faculty/staff resource/communication area, located online here: www.ext.colostate.edu/comm/phone-photos.pptx

Send your photographs to me, with a brief caption as to the program. Thanks so much.

Specialists' Introductions

Joe Brummer

Meet CSU Extension Specialist
Joe Brummer

Title: Associate Professor
College: Agricultural Sciences
Department: Soil and Crop Sciences
% Extension Time: 33%
Years with CSU: 20
Extension/Outreach Involvement: Provide programming support throughout the state in the areas of hay production and pasture management. Have worked closely with those involved with small acreage management to develop and present webinars and workshops plus a Forage Guide for Colorado.
Research Area: Forage crop management
Teaching Responsibilities: Forage and Pasture Management (SOCR 320), Managing for Ecosystem Sustainability (AGRI 632), and Integrated Forage Management (AGRI 635)
Hobbies/Interests: Camping, hiking, plant identification
Contact Information: C132 Plant Sciences, 1170 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1170, 970-491-4988, joe.brummer@colostate.edu


Paul Meiman

Meet CSU Extension Specialist
Paul Meiman

Title: Associate Professor
College: Warner College of Natural Resources
Department: Forest and Rangeland Stewardship
% Extension Time: 47%
Years with CSU: 7
Extension/Outreach Involvement: Pasture Management Workshop, Grazing Management Schools, Ranch Management Practicum, Colorado Forage Guide (co-author), CSU Cattlewomen’s Workshop and Cattlemen’s College, ranch and allotment calls and tours, and applied research
Research Area: Invasive plants, poisonous plants, rangeland plant community ecology, riparian areas and wetlands, livestock grazing management
Teaching Responsibilities: RS300 Introduction to Rangeland Conservation and Stewardship (every fall), RS452 Rangeland Herbivore Ecology and Management (every spring), RS565 Riparian Ecology and Management (every spring), NR220 Natural Resources Ecology and Measurements (1 of 5 instructors; summer)
Hobbies/Interests: Our 4-year-old daughter and my fantastic wife are my primary interests! Beyond that, interests and hobbies include family, our small irrigated farm, woodworking, family and western U.S. history, hiking/camping, horses and cooking stuff in my smoker.
Contact Information: 211 Natural Resources, 1472 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1472
970-491-0906 paul.meiman@colostate.edu
