Extension Updates

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.

November 5, 2014

On Behalf of the State Extension Administration Office Update

RD Webinar on Fiscal Responsibility – Jan Carroll

The next scheduled RD webinar is on Thursday, November 20, at 1:30 p.m. It is designed for county/area directors; everyone is invited to attend. “Fiscal Responsibility” is the working title. Topics (according to a survey several years ago) may include: handling public funds, certified budgets, p-cards, travel cards, 4-H IRS, appropriated/non-appropriated funds, grants/gifts/contracts, increased funding for expanded programming, etc. The entire webinar should be no longer than one hour – please bring your questions. We will record and archive the session.

Western Extension Leadership Development (WELD) Program Applications Due on November 10 – Judy Barth

Refer to my October 3 email for details. Applications are due November 10 for this program. A recent graduate of the program had this to say about her experience: “WELD was one of the most valuable professional and personal development experiences I have had in my Extension career.” If selected as an intern for 2015-16, cost of participation is covered by Extension Administration (NO cost to the county except your time to participate). Check out other CSU Extension agents experience in the program by asking one of our previous interns: Dean Oatman, Janice Dixon, Bill Nobles, Jeff Goodwin, Irene Shonle, Holli Campbell, Wendy Rice, Kurt Jones, Joanne Littlefield, Trent Hollister, Mark Platten or Gisele Jefferson.

PRU Meetings at Forum – Jan Carroll

Please take a few minutes during your Planning & Reporting Unit (PRU) meetings to give feedback on the common outputs that we used in planning and reporting for 2014 http://www.ext.colostate.edu/staffres/program/outputdefinitions.html. PRU Leaders will summarize and share on Yammer, and Program Leadership Team (PLT) will discuss during the December conference call meeting. It will be important to integrate suggestions for clarification, so they will be part of the updated/revised/polished Plans of Work (POWs) for 2015-2016.

Specialists' Introductions

Sybil Sharvelle

Meet CSU Extension Specialist
Sybil Sharvelle

Title: Associate Professor
College: Engineering
Department: Civil and Environmental Engineering
% Extension Time: 30%
Years with CSU: 6
Extension/Outreach Involvement: My extension and outreach efforts are in two main areas, agricultural waste management and urban water conservation. I have developed decision tools and provided support on anaerobic digestion of manure generated at animal feeding operations in the state of Colorado. I have also worked to provide education on graywater reuse to support development of the regulation to allow graywater reuse in the state of Colorado.
Research Area: Sustainable Water and Waste Management
Teaching Responsibilities: CIVE 540 Advanced Biological Waste Processing, CIVE 575 Sustainable Water and Waste Management, CIVE 525 Water for International Development
Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy spending time hiking, biking and camping with my family. I also like to get in a game of tennis when I can.
Contact Information: Scott Bioengineering 306, 1372 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1372, 970-491-6081, sybil.sharvelle@colostate.edu


Steve Newman

Meet CSU Extension Specialist
Steve Newman

Title: Professor
College: Agricultural Sciences
Department: Horticulture and Landscape Architecture
% Extension Time: 72%
Years with CSU: 19
Extension/Outreach Involvement: Steve Newman is an extension specialist and professor with Colorado State University Extension. He has worked in the greenhouse and nursery industry as a university professional since 1985 and has been at CSU since 1994. His experience includes the Gulf Coast region as well as the central Rocky Mountains.
Research Area: Greenhouse water quality and water disinfection. Flowering and vegetable greenhouse crops.
Teaching Responsibilities: HORT 310 – Greenhouse Management and HORT 412 Floriculture Crops
Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, fly fishing, backpacking, photography, and homebrewer
Contact Information: 0105 Shepardson, 1173 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173, 970-491-7118, steven.newman@colostate.edu
