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Providing trusted, practical education to help you solve problems, develop skills, and build a better future.
Established 1908

Common Outputs

Choose Activities, Associate with Outcome(s).
These are your Educational Strategies, the actions and activities your PRU plans to take to address the defined issue(s). Be specific.
Participant Information: “Number” = contacts.
For example, if you have the same 10 people for 3 educational events in a series, enter 30 contacts.
Proceed with the demographic information if you know it.


Output Definition of “Number Completed” Definition of Contact/Participant  “Number”
1) Group Educational Event: classes, trainings, workshops, demonstrations, field days, providing content expertise, fairs, shows, booths, other group events

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The number of educational events presented to more than one person by you or your trained volunteer. Often you will evaluate these outputs, and report learning/behavior changes in participants.

Note: Count multiple classes taught to the same audience over time independently; each one reports as a group educational event.

We are counting contacts.

The number of contacts.

If this is training for volunteers, be sure to note that in the title of your report.
If this is training for Extension staff, be sure to note that in your report and enter 0 (zero) contacts; we do not count ourselves as contacts.

2) Individual Education: one-on-one direct client contacts by site visit, office drop-in, e-mail, telephone, Ask an eXpert, etc

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The number of one-on-one contacts you or your trained volunteer made while delivering substantive educational information.

Note:  Do NOT include one-on-one contacts related to administrative matters or other non-educational content.

Report assessments prepared for individuals as an Extension-related research and assessment project (output #5).

The number of one-on-one contacts.

The two entries should match exactly.

3) Meetings facilitated for external stakeholders

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The number of meetings you facilitated for groups outside of Extension. Only use this output if you facilitated meetings for the explicit purpose of benefiting external stakeholders.

DO NOT use this output if the meetings primarily resulted in Extension program delivery. If that was the case, enter the time & effort from those meetings when you report that program (i.e. a group educational event).

If reporting a series of facilitated meetings, each one represents an output.

The number of external stakeholders (people) that participated in these meetings.
4) Kits or similar resources loaned or provided

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The number of times you have loaned or given away water test kits, soil test kits, radon kits, 4-H kits, energy kits, or similar kits or resources. The number of contacts is the same or similar to the number of kits. If you loaned a kit/resource to an individual outside of Extension who used it to educate others, also report a group or individual educational event (as appropriate). For example, if a radon test kit was loaned to a home owner, enter one kit and one person.  If a STEM kit was loaned to a teacher, enter one kit and one person. Then, enter a group educational event output as one (or more) events/classes where the kit was used, and the number of students who participated.  Enter your time in making the whole thing happen, and also the time of the teacher or other trained volunteer who delivered the material to K-12.

When kits/resources are borrowed by/given away to multiple people, then participant number should be the number of people the kits/resources were loaned/given to, not the number of people educated by the kits/resources.

5) Extension-related research and assessment projects.

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The number of research projects you conducted that resulted in Extension program delivery. For example, a plant select garden is “one” research project.

The number of assessments, including community assessments, feasibility assessments, use of in-depth Extension decision tools, or similar.

Note that program evaluations are NOT considered assessments for the purpose of reporting against this output.

The number of people who significantly participated in or benefited from the research or assessment project.
6) Peer reviewed publications including fact sheets, journal articles, etc.

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The number of Extension fact sheets, journal articles, juried curricula, and other peer reviewed educational products. Report here if you were an author or co-author.

 Definition… “Peer review” refers to the policy of having experts in the field examine journal articles before acceptance for publication. Peer review ensures that the research described in a journal’s articles is sound and of high quality. Sometimes the term “refereed” is used instead of peer review.
Scholarly vs Trade vs Popular Journals

This output does NOT include proposals for presentations that were peer-reviewed and accepted. In that case, report the presentation as a “group educational event”, with time and effort to write the proposal included.

This output is only for authors, not reviewers.

The number of contacts is zero (0)

List co-authors of peer-reviewed publications as cooperators, not as “participants or contacts.”

7) Non-peer reviewed media including educational press releases, radio or TV appearances, newsletters, curricula, videos, social media, online educational content, and blog posts

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The number of educational press releases, radio or television appearances, blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, videos, podcasts or similar non-peer reviewed media issued.

DO count social media posts that contain substantive educational text or images directly in the post.

DO NOT count social media posts that:

  • solely serve as a link to educational material
  • are promotional in nature

Decide in advance whether the author or distributor of the content will report and include the other(s) as cooperator(s).

The number of contacts that can be reliably verified such as if you send a newsletter to your listserv of 500. Contact numbers for radio or TV appearances as well as newspaper articles are too unreliable to report, even when circulation is known. To document social media participants, report the following numbers for posts that meet the definition in the “Number Completed” column only:

  • Facebook: total reach
  • Twitter: impressions
  • YouTube: video views (just for the calendar year)
  • Instagram: reach
  • Pinterest: impressions

Optional: when posting videos directly into Facebook, count video views instead of reach.

Blog post views may be counted here OR under the “Website page views” output, but do not double count.

8) Website page views

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The number of educational content-based page views on websites and apps for which a PRU manages the content.

This DOES include state and county Extension webpages/apps related to the content area of the PRU.

This output DOES include hits to PRU fact sheets.

Blog post views may be counted here OR under the “Non-peer reviewed media” output, but do not double count.

This output DOES NOT include page views of webpages that are mostly promotional or are otherwise not educational content-based.

This output can be reported once annually by one individual on behalf of the entire PRU.

 It is up to each PRU to determine which websites and webpages will be used to count page views.  Consistency from year-to-year is key to comparing apples-to-apples growth.

The number of contacts is the same as the number of page views.

The two entries should match exactly.

Additional Notes (PLT call 2/21/2017)

  1. Agents/Specialists report time spent in volunteer management when s/he reports the output conducted by the volunteer. Volunteer management is not an identified output, but rather an activity that increases the capacity of Extension to deliver educational programming.
  2. Volunteer numbers and hours:
    a.) These agents DO NOT report volunteer numbers and hours into Colorado Planning & Reporting System (CPRS):
    – 4-H Youth Development
    – Colorado Master Gardener
    – CYFAR
    – EFNEP & SNAP-Ed
    – Master Food Safety Advisors
    – Native Plant Masters
    b.) When programming in any of these six areas, do not report your volunteer numbers and hours. These data are collected in different systems, and the PRU enters them into CPRS by the end of the year.
    c.) All other PRUs report volunteer numbers and hours into CPRS.