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Established 1908

Family Financial Stability   arrow

Family Financial Stability


Running a household takes financial planning and resources. CSU Extension offers resources to help you and your family with financial stability and future planning. Please visit any of the tabs on this page to access these helpful resources.


CSU Extension has identified many resources to help with your finances:

Financial Resources

  • America Saves
    America saves helps individuals save money, reduce debt, and build wealth.

Go to top of this page.




  • Live Smart Colorado – Blog by the Family & Consumer Science Agents and Specialists that encourages lifelong physical, financial and emotional health and well-being to Coloradans.

Hot Topics

New Years Resolutions
Setting Intentions for the New Year
Every New Year’s Eve, millions of Americans resolve to make their life better.
Protecting Your Identity and Financial Future
The Equifax data breach may have exposed more than half the adults in this country, as many as 143 million, to identity theft and financial fraud.
Financial Literacy for Life
A healthy plan helps give markers to where we might be at each decade of our life.
Showing gratitude
Role-modeling Thankfulness
Research overwhelmingly shows that regularly practicing gratitude has significant social, physical, and psychological benefits.
Grandmother with grandchild
Grandparents Self Care Blog
Grandparents often report that once they start raising their grandchildren, they do not have time for themselves anymore.
Credit scores
Does My Credit Score Really Matter?
It seems that accessing your credit score is just as confusing and frustrating as it is to check your credit reports.


Finance Videos


Looking for a place to rent- getting started
Looking for a place to rent- getting started
Video to help find the perfect place to rent.
lease agreements
Rental Leases
What you need to know when signing a rental lease.
Moving van
Moving out of your rental place
Things to consider when moving out of your rental.

Small Steps to Health and Wealth

Automate Good Habits and Create Templates
Automate Good Habits and Create Templates
Puting many of your health and wealth practices on a regular schedule is a good way to prevent procrastination by making decisions and taking action once, then allowing automatic actions afterwards.
Benchmarks in life
Compare Yourself with Recommended Benchmarks
Become familiar with common recommendations for healthy eating, physical activity, and spending habits.
other influences in life
Consider Outside Influences on Health and Wealth (Audio)
Think about your past experiences with food and money so that you can make a plan to manage these outside influences.
balance consumption
Convert Consumption into Labor
Help you learn how consumption can be balanced by labor.
Get Help and Be Accountable (Audio)
Learn more about health and wealth topics and can provide support and accountability as you strive to make positive behavior changes.
use the power of 10 in life
Live the Power of 10
The number “10” can help you use the “small‐steps approach” to behavior change. It is an easy number to multiply, divide, and remember.
set goals
Make Progress Every Day
Setting realistic and attainable goals can help you to successfully achieve them when you are able to make small steps toward progress  each day.
sensible eating and spending habits
Say “No” to Super-Sizing
Helps you understand the hazards associated with super‐sized eating and super‐sized spending.
get started with good lifetime habits
Set a Date and Get Started – Just Do It! (Audio)
Good lifetime habits in health and wealth can help you achieve a longer life with the assets you need to achieve your goals.
steps to improve health and wealth
Step Down/Step Up to Change
Help you discover small steps down or up that you are willing to take to improve your health and/or your wealth.
track yourself
Track Your Current Behavior
Help you become more aware of how much you eat, move, and spend throughout a typical day.
balance intake
Think Balance-Not Sacrifice
Helps you learn ways to balance intake and outgo associated with both human energy and money.
table setting with sizes of portions
Use Easy Frames of Reference
Learn simple and easy strategies to personalize and translate health and wealth frames of reference for positive behavior changes.