Personnel Notes
Congratulations to and best wishes in retirement . . .
Bob Hammon is retiring June 1. There is a retirement party on May 25 from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Wine County Inn in Palisade. If you plan to attend please R.S.V.P. to Kellie Clark. Please contact Doug Dean regarding donations for a gift.
Laurel Kubin’s retirement party is planned for June 1, from 1 pm to 3 pm at the Larimer County Court House in the Boyd Lake and Hearing Rooms.
You are all invited to … the annual Extension Retiree BBQ at Pelican Lakes in Windsor, CO. on June 9 at 4:00 PM. R.S.V.P. and payment for buffet must be received no later than Wednesday May 31. The cost is $25 per person. Make checks to ESP Zeta and mail to Luann Boyer, 22500 County Road 21, Fort Morgan, CO 80701. For more information please contact Luann Boyer, 970-768-0322 or, Norm Brown, 970-568-3318 or, Dennis Lamm 970-222-9451or, and Milan Rewerts, 970-222-5903 or
Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Susan Harris at: and provide her the information so we can recognize your success.
There were no new Awards for this month.
As of May 5, 2017
Judith Barth, Director of Operations
The Personnel Directory is updated as of May 5, 2017. If you are interested in a hard copy of the Directory click on: Then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.” |
Adams County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #12-17
This position is under review and will be advertised soon.
Boulder County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #11-17
Committee members are checking references. Interviews will be held May 22-23.
Douglas County
Extension Agent, Horticulture/Small Acreage, #04-17
Andie Wommack has accepted the position effective June 19. Andie earned her bachelor’s degree in agriculture and food systems from Washington State University and is currently working on her masters of education from Western Governor’s University. Recently she has been teaching agriculture science at Poudre High School in Fort Collins, CO.
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #05-17
Dan Tedor has accepted the position effective June 19. Dan Tedor earned his bachelor of science in agricultural education from Washington State University and his master of agriculture, focus in education from Colorado State University. Recently he has been a program coordinator/instructor at Colorado State University, in the College of Agricultural Sciences.
Larimer County
Extension Agent & County Director, #13-17
This position is under review and should be advertised soon.
Extension Specialist, Produce Safety, Grant Funded, #14-17 Location TBD
This position will be advertised soon.
Southeast Area
Area Extension Director and Agent, #TBD
This position is under review.
Bent County
Area Extension Agent, FCS, #TBD
This position is under review.
Custer County
Extension Director, #TBD
This position is under review.
Logan County
Extension Director, #TBD
Kacey Atkinson resigned effective May 8, 2017. The position is under review.
Prowers County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #08-17
Interviews will be held May 15 and 16.
Golden Plains Area
Sedgwick County
Area Extension Agent, Weed Science/Agronomy, #09-17
Interviews will be held May 18-19.
Yuma County
Area Extension Agent, Livestock, #TBD
Chris Shelley resigned the position effective May 15, 2017. The position is under review.
Regional Position
Natural Resource Conservation Service, Canon City
Extension Regional Specialist, Small Acreage Management, #07-17
Kara Harders has accepted this position effective June 1. Kara has earned a bachelor’s of science in agricultural education from Colorado State University and is currently working on her master of science, agricultural communications at the University of Florida. She is currently working as a graduate assistant at the University of Florida.
Garfield County
Extension Program Associate, 4-H Youth Development – School Enrichment/After-School, #10-17
Interviews will be held on May 4.
Tri River Area, Delta County
Area Extension Agent, Crop, Soil & Weed Sciences, #16-17
This position is under review and will be advertised soon.
Assistant Program Coordinator, Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI), #06-17
Interviews were held on May 5.
State 4-H Office
Extension State Specialist, 4-H Youth Development and Volunteer Leadership, #15-17
This position will be advertised soon.
Extension State Specialist, 4-H Youth Development, STEM and K-12, #TBD
This position is under review.
All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to Sue Harris at