The Extension Professionals’ Organization
The mission of Epsilon Sigma Phi is to foster the standards of excellence in the Extension System and to develop the Extension Profession and Professional
About Epsilon Sigma Phi
Recognizes excellence
- ESP honors its’ members and outstanding friends with recognition and scholarships
Increases your professional value
ESP offers opportunities to:
- Improve your skills as an educator/presenter/leader
- Enhance your leadership abilities through active committee membership and professional development opportunities at state, regional and national conferences
- Share your experience, expertise and scholarly activity
- Expand your network of resources
ESP recognizes excellence by honoring its members and outstanding friends with recognition and scholarships.
Benefits of Joining
- Join a network of Extension professionals united across disciplines and program ares
- Receive scholarships for professional development opportunities, including advanced degrees
- Obtain professional development grants for chapters
- Participate in chapter and national recognition programs for member individuals and teams
- Opportunities to give peer reviewed scholarly presentations (e.g. national conference; webinars)
- Become involved in public issues and activities
- Access to the ESP Connection newsletter and other relevant communication to members
- Chapter and national leadership opportunities
- Network of Extension professionals united across disciplines and program areas
- Participate in mentoring opportunities
- Chapter officer/member training support
- Involvement in global and international opportunities
- Partnerships with the Joint Council of Extension Professionals and National Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) – USDA
About the Chapter
2023 Zeta Officers
- Past-President, Todd Hagenbuch
thagenbuch@co.routt.co.us - President, Alison O’Connor
astoven@larimer.org - President-Elect, Carla Farrand
carla.farrand@colostate.edu - Secretary, Amy Lentz
amy.lentz@colostate.edu - Treasurer, Gus Westerman
gus.westerman@colostate.edu - Executive Secretary, Luann Boyer
How to Join ESP
To join ESP, please contact the current ESP president. During the fall, renewing and new members can apply via online portal. If you join outside of the recruitment period, you can contact the current president for instruction on how to process membership.
Membership dues
- Returning Members $95.00
- New Members $85.00
- Life Members Contact Luann Boyer
Print out a copy of the invoice and mail it (along with your check) to:
Dolores County Extension
Attn: Gus Westerman
P.O. Box 527
Dove Creek, CO 81324
There is a copy of the invoice and of the Zeta Chapter W-9 available on this site. Other questions or problems? Email gus.westerman@colostate.edu and he will be glad to help you out.
We look forward to having you as a member of our vibrant and valuable Extension-wide ESP Zeta Chapter!