eXtension Member Benefits
Serving Cooperative Extension Professionals
Access to the Impact Collaborative, National Delivery Infrastructure (Ask an Expert, WordPress for national initiatives, and eXtension learning opportunities.
Get Your eXtension ID
To access many areas within eXtension, an eXtension ID is required. Contact Ruth Willson to get your account set up.
Join Ask an Expert
Ask an Expert is an automated system where the general public asks questions and are routed to an agent or specialist to answer, depending on the topic.
Connect Extension
Welcome to the new Learn. We invite all Cooperative Extension professionals to post webinars on this calendar that are available to the entire system and/or to the public. Please register or sign in to post your webinar events. If you would like to be able to edit events after submitting them, please ensure to “Allow Comments.” We encourage anyone that posts to the Learn calendar to update their calendar events afterwards with a link to the recording.
Online Learning with eXtension Campus and Catalog
The online campus of eXtension is the knowledge-to-action service that is an integral part of the U.S. Cooperative Extension System. You will need to create a separate ID to access courses.
- Welcome
- Online Webinars – don’t need an eXtension ID.
- Courses – Broken out into Topic Areas.
- Catalog – catalog of educational opportunities offered through Extension and the National Pesticide Safety Education Center..
Sign in using your LinkedIn account. Current library includes:
- Bridging the Gap: Approaches to Treating Water on Farms
- Using Digital Technology in Extension Education
- Mass Media: Sustaining Pollinators
- Kemēcemenaw: Tribal Extension Partnerships That Support Indigenous Food Sovereignty on the Menominee Indian Reservation v1.1
- Urban Extension v1.1
- Resilient Agriculture: Weather Ready Farm
National Extension Projects
Projects are formed when a group of Extension Professionals wants to collaborate across state lines and nation-wide. Previous and current projects are listed.
Impact Collaborative
The Impact Collaborative is a bundle of services and events that is funded by and for our members only. With the Impact Collaborative, we help Extension project or program teams succeed or fail faster. Our network of expertise in and outside of Extension helps to strengthen projects and programs in unique ways, returning to you even stronger.
Search Extension
This service allows you to search the resources provided by your Cooperative Extension Service using a Google Custom Search Engine that includes many of the Cooperative Extension web sites provided by your Land-Grant institutions.
Pesticide Safety Education Funds Management Program
Consider this your one-stop shop for everything Pesticide Safety Education Funds Management Program (PSEFMP) related. In this online community you have full access to the resources you need during this program. Here you will find:
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Funding Opportunity Announcements
- Application submission instructions
- Training videos