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Established 1908

Agricultural Producers   arrow

Resources for Agricultural Producers

Agricultural & Resource Economics – Committed to providing practical solutions to real problems.

Animal Health –  Livestock health information and veterinary expertise in multiple fields related to livestock health and productivity, food safety, and public health.

Animal Health Division – Led by the Colorado State Veterinarian, the Animal Health Division is responsible for animal health and disease control activities in Colorado.

Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management

Building Farmers in the West Website – Builds farmer capacity and community through classroom and experiential learning for beginning farmers and ranchers (USDA defines as 0 – 10 yrs experience).

CoAgMet – Network of automatic weather stations distributed across the state.

Colorado Agriculture Development Authority – Encourages the investment of private capital in the agricultural sector through the use of public financing for the purpose of making low-interest loans available to agricultural producers for specified uses. 

Colorado Department of Agriculture – Strengthen and advance Colorado agriculture; promote a safe, high quality, and sustainable food supply; and protect consumers, the environment, and natural resources.

Cottage Foods – The Colorado Cottage Foods Act allows individuals to make and sell a limited range of foods that are non-potentially hazardous and that do not require refrigeration.

Custom Rates – Survey of custom rates charged for various crop and livestock operations and lease arrangements in Colorado.

FoodSmart Colorado – Assuring the safety of our food supply begins long before food reaches the table.

Good Management Practices – Farm to table food safety for colorado producers-GAPs/GHP.

Small Acreage Management Website – Your source for information and educational materials for sustainably managing your land.

USDA – Responsible for developing and executing federal government policy on farming, agriculture, forestry, and food.

Weather & Climate – USDA Office of the Chief Meteorologist.

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