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Search Results for: trees

Fall and Winter Watering – 7.211

Print this fact sheet by J.E. Klett and R. Cox* (3/13) Quick Facts… Water trees, shrubs, lawns, and perennials during prolonged dry fall and winter periods to prevent root damage that affects the health of the entire plant. Water only when air and soil temperatures are above 40 degrees F with no snow cover. Established […]

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Mulches for Home Grounds – 7.214

Print this fact sheet by J.E. Klett* (12/20) Revised by J. Murgel and M. Platten** Quick Facts… A mulch is any material that provides protection and improves the soil when applied to the soil surface. There are two types of mulches: organic and inorganic. Depending on the type, mulches: Reduce surface evaporation and conserve soil […]

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Colorado Mountain Gardening Basics – 7.244

Print this fact sheet by I. Shonle and L. Potts* (12/14) Quick Facts… Low humidity, fluctuating temperatures, a short growing season, poor soil characteristics, watering restrictions (in some cases), wildlife, wildfire, and drying winds make gardening in the mountains a challenge. Selecting plants that tolerate these conditions is key to Colorado mountain gardening. Gardeners who […]

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Landscaping for Energy Conservation – 7.225

Print this fact sheet by L. Walker, L. Langelo, and S. Newman* (11/18) Quick Facts… Proper landscaping can modify the climate around your home and reduce both heat gain in summer and heat loss in winter. Properly placed plants reduce wind velocity near the home. The goal of energy-conserving landscaping is to regulate energy flows from […]

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How to Submit Samples to CSU Extension Plant Diagnostic Clinic – 7.246

Print this fact sheet. by B. Edmunds, M. Small, C. Swift, and T. Blunt* (8/20) Revised by S. Caffey** Quick Facts… There are hundreds of plant diseases, insects and weeds that occur in Colorado. Good sample collecting and handling are necessary to obtain an accurate diagnosis of your plant’s problem Clinics are not open on […]

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Growing Plants From Seed – 7.409

Print this fact sheet by S. Newman and L. Langelo* (11/18) Quick Facts… Some annuals are best seeded directly in the garden in spring. Cold frames allow starting plants as much as six weeks before planting-out time. Do not start plants too soon — they may become crowded and spindly before they can be planted safely […]

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Colorado Gardening: Challenge to Newcomers – 7.220

Print this fact sheet by J.E. Klett and R. Cox* (3/13) Quick Facts… Low humidity, fluctuating temperatures, alkaline clay soils and drying winds often restrict plant growth more than low temperatures. Selecting plants that tolerate our soil and climatic conditions is key to Colorado gardening. Colorado grows excellent flowers, vegetables and lawns. Gardeners who are […]

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Extension Updates – March 17, 2015

To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted. March […]

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Summer – Simple Energy Saving Tips

  During the summer season energy conservation is crucial since cooling can account for about 17% of home energy consumption in some homes. Before the hot weather sets in you should perform a quick inspection of your home. Simply dampen your hand and place it in locations such as attic hatches, baseboards, corners of rooms, […]

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Drought Webinars

Weather Update and Crop Insurance – February 12, 2013 Forage Production with Limited Irrigation, Cropping Systems, Tillage Systems & Resideue Management in Dryland Production, Cool Season Grass Production Under Limited Irrigation and the Relationship Between Dry/Mild Winters and Pest Management in the Following Growing Season. – February 19, 2013 Cattle Herd Depopulation, Buy Hay or […]

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