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Search Results for: trees

Extension Update – October 24, 2016

On behalf of PLT:  The Program Leadership Team (PLT) is organized to build a network of program support and accountability to meet county/regional needs of Coloradans.  The next PLT meeting is November 14, via Zoom.  Extension Update content this week was contributed by Planning and Reporting Unit (PRU) leaders. Planning & Reporting Unit Updates […]

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Extension Update – July 27, 2016

On behalf of PLT: Planning & Reporting Unit Updates Community Development PRU – Geniphyr Ponce-Pore Cropping Systems PRU – Ron Meyer Energy PRU – Cary Weiner Environmental Horticulture PRU – Alison O’Connor Family and Financial Stability PRU – Laurel Kubin Food Systems PRU – Dawn Thilmany McFadden Livestock and Range PRU– Chris Shelley Natural Resources […]

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Conifer Tree ID Videos

Below are YouTube videos describing the various conifer trees in Colorado and how to identify each. Bristlecone Pine Colorado Blue Spruce Douglas Fir Engelmann Spruce Limber Pine Pinyõn Pine Ponderosa Pine Rocky Mountain Juniper Utah Juniper White Fir

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Burrowing animals: Determining species by burrows & damage – 6.521

Print this fact sheet by Sharon Bokan, Karen Crumbaker, Travis Hoesli, Deborah Lester and Irene Shonle* (2/16) Quick Facts The four main kinds of small burrowing animals likely to cause damage in Colorado are voles,  pocket gophers, prairie dogs, and Wyoming ground squirrels. Moles occur only in specific areas on the eastern plains of Colorado. […]

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Biochar in Colorado – 0.509

Print this fact sheet by M. Ramlow, C.M.H. Keske, M.F. Cotrufo* (1/16) Quick Facts Biochar shows promise for a variety of applications — such as utilizing residues from overcrowded and beetle- infested forests, storing carbon in soils, soil reclamation and mining remediation, and a soil amendment for gardening — but continued research is necessary to […]

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Fall Gardening Tasks

Khursheed Mama Colorado State University Extension Master Gardener in Larimer County October 31, 2015 Lawns: October is a great time to get the lawn aerated (especially if this wasn’t done in the spring) and to fertilize while the grass is still green. When aerating, mark sprinkler heads to avoid damage. Sprinkler systems should be blown […]

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Micro-Sprinkler Irrigation for Orchards – 4.703

Print this fact sheet by R. Godin and I. Broner * (11/13) Quick Facts… Micro-sprinkler irrigation is a low pressure, low to medium volume irrigation system suitable for high value crops such as tree fruits. If managed properly, micro irrigation can increase yields and decrease water use and fertilizer and labor requirements when compared to […]

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Caring for Livestock During Disaster – 1.815

Print this fact sheet by S. Cotton and T. McBride* (8/13) Quick Facts…. Adrenalin, panic and confusion affect both humans and animals. The survival instincts of livestock can make normal handling techniques ineffective. The accepted sequence for safety and evacuation is people first, then pets, then livestock, then property. The proper disaster management approach needs […]

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Sugar and sweeteners – 9.301

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford & K. Maloney* (1/16) Quick Facts… The desirable taste for sugar is innate. The body does not distinguish between natural sugars and processed sugars. All sugars contain four calories per gram. In 2002, the average American consumed 152 pounds of sugar per year. Sugar is natural and nontoxic. […]

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Zinc and Iron Deficiencies – 0.545

Print this fact sheet by D.G. Westfall and T.A. Bauder* (12/11) Quick Facts… Zinc and iron deficiencies may occur in most areas of Colorado. Zinc and iron deficiencies can be recognized by plant symptoms. Confirm visual observations by soil test and/or plant analysis. Zinc deficiencies can be corrected by the application of zinc fertilizers. Soil […]

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