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Alison O’Connor

Extension Specialist – Horticulture
Work 1525 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins CO 80524-2004 Work Phone: (970) 498-6005 Website: Larimer County Extension website


Responsible for being an active participant in the Environmental Horticulture work team and in the Diagnostic and Pest Management work team. Also plans, implements, and publicizes the fiscal responsibilities for the Larimer County Farmers’ Market as well as writes features and articles for publications such as the newspaper.

Commercial horticulture, Community gardening, Home horticulture, Master Garden program, Nursery production

Volunteer management, Master Gardeners, Horticulture, Farmers’ markets, Trees and shrubs, Lawns, Houseplants, Perennials and annuals, Invasive insects, Rainwater harvesting, Ornamental diseases, Nursery production

Connections Business Directory | Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

1525 Blue Spruce Drive Fort Collins CO 80524-2004

Categories: Front Range Region, Larimer County