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Established 1908

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Brent Young

Extension Eastern Regional Specialist – Agriculture & Business Management
Work 302 Main St Sterling CO 80751 Work Phone: (970) 491-4425 Work Fax: (970) 491-4429 Website:


Responsible for the development, marketing, delivery and evaluation of non-credit educational programming, as well as develops relationships in the agricultural industry to continually assess what strategies need to be utilized to achieve the desired outcomes. In addition he seeks out and manages external funding to support the programming efforts.

Ag production and farm management economics, Business management, taxation, Estate planning, Farm safety, Market economics, Marketing, Natural resources and environmental economics, Risk Management, Financial management, Personal finance, Family economics, Consumer decision-making

Title 1 production support and Title 11 commodity insurance programs, crop and livestock enterprise analysis, financial management strategies, and commodity marketing.

Annie’s Project Facilitator, Facilitator Trainer, and State Coordinator.

Real Colors Certified Facilitator

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302 Main St Sterling CO 80751

Categories: Eastern Region