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Ragan Adams

Coordinator, Veterinary Extension Specialist Group College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical SciencesDepartment of Clinical Sciences
Work Colorado State University 1678 Campus Delivery B209 Vet Teaching Hospital Fort Collins CO 80523-1678 Work Phone: (970) 217-2051 Website:


Inquiries are directed to the proper Vet experts at CSU.

DVM, Experience in general large animal practice as well as residences in equine surgery. 30 years in clinical research. Has access to a broad range of veterinary expertise through relationships at the College of Vet medicine and the CSU Vet Teaching Hospital.

MA by thesis, reproductive physiology, Boston University, DVM, University of Florida, Residency in Large Animal Surgery, U Fla , Accredited Veterinarian Colorado, Colorado State veterinary license, FEMA ICS courses 100, 700 and 800.

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Colorado State University 1678 Campus Delivery Fort Collins CO 80523-1678

Categories: CSU Campus