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Susan Baker

Professor College of Health and Human SciencesDepartment of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Work Colorado State University 102 Gifford, 1571 Campus Delivery Fort Collins CO 80523-1571 Work Phone: (970) 491-5798 Work Fax: (970) 491-8729 Website:


CSU-E  EFNEP Coordinator. Provides overall direction of the programs, facilitating communication and coordination between the university and the county offices where the programs reside. Represents the programs at national meetings and responsible for program implementation and administration following the EFNEP guidelines. Supervises Research Associates, Office Manager, and Nutrition Programs Supervisors. Coordinates educational programming and program evaluation efforts.

Nutrition education with low income audiences, adult education, food safety, food resource management, food security, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, Healthy Eating Active Living

Support Staff:
Dwayne Watson
(970) 491-2555


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Colorado State University 102 Gifford, 1571 Campus Delivery Fort Collins CO 80523-1571

Categories: CSU Campus