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Todd Hagenbuch

Extension Director & Specialist (Agriculture), Routt County
Work 136 6th Street, Suite 101 Steamboat Springs, CO CO 80477-2830 Work Phone: (970) 879-0825 Work Fax: (970) 870-5383 Website:


Agricultural policy, agricultural land preservation including purchase of development rights, conservation easements and land trusts, and water rights, ag, hort, natural resources, Basic gardening subjects, weed ID, weed control, interpersonal communication, interpersonal management, Livestock and Range, Horticulture, Food Systems, Master Gardeners, Conservation Easements. Colorado Farm Transition Network member, Annie’s Project trained facilitator, Family succession facilitation, Large-group facilitation.

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136 6th Street, Suite 101 Steamboat Springs, CO CO 80477-2830

Categories: Routt County, Western Region