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Building Diversity   arrow

Oregon State University – Diversity Web Page

Features a book by Ann Schauber, diversity leader from Oregon State University Extension Service titled, “Working with Differences in Communities – A handbook for those who care about creating inclusive communities” A step-by step guide for those who want to help building more inclusive communities. It integrates knowledge, caring, and skill building in practical ways that will help you move from understanding to action. Published March 2002 $15 per copy.

Penn State – Diversity Main Page

This site contains a quarterly newsletter, diversity program materials, publication, curricula, and links to other diversity-related resources and sites. Many materials may be downloaded and printed. Diversity Resources Page – 4-H Spanish Materials (Active links to various Spanish materials); Diversity Activities for Youth and Adults (PDF); Diversity Discussion Starters (PDF)

Washington State University – Diversity Initiatives and Resources

Active links to Cultural Competencies; Skill Soft On-line Training and links to Diversity Related Video streams

University of Wisconsin Extension – Diversity Links

Extensive web links for Extension faculty, academic staff and classified staff employees who want to learn and apply multicultural concepts and practices in their work environment and educational programs. Links available to various cultures, groups, and diverse topics such as African American Links; Asian American Links; General Diversity Links; Higher Education; Hispanic Links; Lesbian, Gay. Bisexual, Transgender Links; Native American Links; People with Disabilities; Senior Citizens; Sites for Veterans; Sites for Women; Unconscious Bias; and White Culture Links

Central Michigan University Libraries Diversity Resources Project

Web resources on various diversity-related topics: Race and Ethnicity; African American Resources; Area Studies/International Resources; Disabilities Resources; Diversity in Education; Gay and Lesbian Resources; Native American Resources and Women’s Studies.

Telling America’s Story – U.S. Department of State

Features stories and active links for “Information on Diversity” such as Diversity Bibliography; DiversityWeb; Ethnic and Multicultural History; Immigration; Issue on Guide on Immigration; The Living Cities Census Series; Metropolitan Racial and Ethnic Change – Census 2000; Rance and Ethnicity Online and The Washington Post: Census 2000 and “Organizations That Promote Diversity” – such as Association of MultiEthnic American (AMEA); Censes Bureau, U.S. Department of Commerce; Center for Advancement of Racial & Ethnic Equality, American Council on Educaton (ACE); Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) DiversityInc Foundation; The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding; Population Association of America; Population Reference Bureau (PRB); Population Studies Center, University of Michigan; and Populations Studies Center, Urban Institute.

Everyday Democracy (formerly the Study Circles Resource Center)

A national organization that helps communities find ways for all kinds of people to think, talk and work together to solve “everyday” problems for “everyone”. Helps neighborhoods, cities and towns, regions, and state through identifying best practices for creating communities that work for everyone.