On behalf of CJ Mucklow:
- PILD Conference
- Western Region Staff are Moving to a New Office Building
- MEGA Meeting
- State Classified Benefits Open Enrollment
- Complete your online Conflict of Interest Disclosure
- New Positions in Western Region
- Vacancies
- Pictures from Washington, D.C.
PILD Conference
I had the pleasure of traveling to Washington D.C. last week to attend the Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference. I had never gone to a national meeting like this. It was very educational, and I strongly encourage all of you to attend a conference like this, be it a national association or something similar. We may be locally driven but knowing what your counterparts are doing is well worth it. Knowing who’s advocating for the Extension system across the country is important, too. The Smithsonian Museums and the National Botanic Garden, which are great to see, are also part of the whole national system.
People in the picture (left to right) are Jan Carroll, Marlena Griesse, Robin Young, Dennis and Cheryl Kaan, and CJ Mucklow.
Western Region Staff are Moving to a New Office Building
The Western Region office will be relocating to the new Western Colorado Campus sometime late July 2019. The campus will include the CSU Veterinary Diagnostic Lab, Colorado State Forest Service, Orchard Mesa Agriculture Experiment Station, CSU Office of Engagement, and CSU Extension Western Region. Western Region staff will be located in the classroom office building (COB) at 3170 B ½ Road in Grand Junction. The building will have a teaching kitchen and a large classroom in addition to conference rooms.
MEGA Meeting
Colorado State 4-H and CAE4-HA members gathered in Grand Junction last week to attend the 2019 Mega Meeting. Becky Jacobsen and Kaycee Manuppella, Western Region superstars, did a great job organizing the event. Everyone enjoyed the hospitality of the Grand Vista Hotel and the networking with one another. The meeting started with a good conversation with the keynote speaker, Jones Loflin, on building a strong program. The state team then brought everyone up to speed on fiscal responsibility, the 4-H thriving model, volunteerism, and creating a safe environment. The Western Region representative from National 4-H discussed marketing and the newish “4-H Grows” campaign. She gave Agents marketing tools and offered assistance to all Agents needing help developing nationally branded marketing materials. Thursday morning Dr. Sue Schneider swept the room with calm tranquility as agents practiced mindfulness techniques to help re-center and refresh all in attendance. Ashley Stokes, Assistant VP for Engagement and Deputy Director of Extension, provided Extension updates and opportunities. The meeting wrapped up with many program-share opportunities to get everyone thinking about new and exciting activities to engage youth and facilitate finding their spark!
State Classified Benefits Open Enrollment
Open Enrollment for State Classified employees is April 23-May 13, 2019. For more information see the attached document or visit https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dhr/2019oe .
Complete your online Conflict of Interest Disclosure
It’s time for all CSU Administrative Professional employees to complete an annual COI disclosure (State Classified and County staff may disregard this). To start your annual disclosure from a computer off campus go to: https://secure.colostate.edu/dana/home/launch.cgi?url=https%3A%2F%2Faar.is.colostate.edu
For more information see https://vpr.colostate.edu/ricro/coi/
Please make sure to complete your online disclosure by the end of April. If you run into any issues or have questions feel free to contact Yvonne Bridgeman for help.
New Positions in Western Region
Nicole Clark started as the Family Consumer Science Agent in La Plata County on March 1, 2019. Please welcome her.
Viticulture Specialist – We are in final negotiations to fill this brand-NEW position that will be housed at the new Western Colorado Campus in Grand Junction. This position will serve the entire grape industry in Colorado. It only has funding for two years, but we will see where it goes.
Tri River Area Ag Marketing -The search for this position is open until May 7, 2019.
Rio Blanco County Director – The search for this Ag/4-H position closed April 16, 2019, and the search committee is reviewing applications. Interviews have not been scheduled yet.
Pictures from Washington, D.C.
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Thanks for all you do for Extension.