Extension Updates
To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.
August 25, 2015
On Behalf of JoAnn Powell:
Ram Tour
Thanks all for showcasing Extension, our partners and Colorado to new faculty and administrators on the 2015 CSU Ram Tour. The tour stopped in Golden to hear Quint Redmond, Jennifer Cook, and Rusty Collins discuss Agriburbia, small acreages and Ag in the city—this was cited as a favorite stop by many participants. After stops in the mountains and west slope, the tour concluded with lunch on the Georgetown Loop railway. Chris Crouse assembled a great group of community leaders who talked with participants about the history of the county and current mining and water interests; again, a favorite for many.
New Arapahoe County Extension Office
Excuse the boxes. Arapahoe County staff celebrated a successful county fair by moving into their new digs. The office is located on the county campus off Lima; Extension is co-located with the Open Space division on the county government campus. Congrats and thank you Arapahoe County.
Changes at the College of Agricultural Sciences
Earlier this month, Ajay Menon, Dean of the College of Agricultural Sciences, announced several changes in leadership roles at the college. He wrote:
“I have asked Dr. James Pritchett to assume the responsibilities of Executive Associate Dean. Dr. Jan Leach, University Distinguished Professor, will assume the responsibilities of Associate Dean for Research. Dr. Ken Barbarick, University Distinguished Teaching Scholar, will assume the responsibilities of Associate Dean for Academic Programs. Finally, Dr. Tom Holtzer, current Department Head of BSPM, will assume the responsibilities of Deputy Director of AES (Tom will step down from his position as Department Head to assume this new role). Each of these individuals will assume their roles and responsibilities no later than September 1. In addition to the above college level administrative positions, I will appoint Professors Lee Sommers and Bill Wailes as Special Assistants to the Dean to support my relationships with the crop and livestock commodity groups, respectively.”
Dr. Menon also thanked Nancy Irlbeck and Jeff Steiner for their accomplishments and service as Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Deputy Director of the Agricultural Experiment Station, respectively. Best wishes to each of these individuals in their new roles with CAS. We look forward to working with you.
Congratulations to…
Joe Julian has chosen to retire December 31 of this year. Thanks you for all you have done and have yet to check off your list. It’s been a pleasure.
Front Range Searches
Douglas County Director: The position will be advertised starting August 27 and close either the 22nd or 24th of September. Please encourage your colleagues to apply. Search committee members include: Thad Gourd, Jeff Goodwin, Frank Silici, Doug DeBord, Vicky Starky, Jonna Negus-Pemberton, and Lara Mooney. I will be chairing this search.
Jefferson County Master Gardener Coordinator: interviews are scheduled for August 27. Candidates for the position include Elysa DuCharme, Marie Hackbarth, and Michael Roll. Search is chaired by Jacki Paone; members of the search committee include: Scott Gales, Patti O’Neal, Carol O’Meara, Mary Small, Curtis Utley, and Gail Wilson.
Suzanne Schneider has accepted the half time FCS / community development position in Larimer County and will begin September 1. Welcome aboard.
AmeriCorps Orientation
This week in Jefferson County…
Extension’s Role in Controversial Issues — Joanne Littlefield
When controversial issues arise in the local communities, Extension field staff, specialists and campus faculty rise to the challenge of providing sound information that facilitates community dialogue. The recent case of mine water discharge into the Animas River in Southwest Colorado is just one of the recent scenarios where on-the-ground community engagement led to coordinated outreach efforts. See the CSU SOURCE story for more information: http://source.colostate.edu/extension-offers-water-resources-for-agriculture-following-gold-king-mine-discharge/.
Additionally, in the recent issue of the Journal of Extension, researchers discuss the long-term benefits to the community, the Extension organization, and the faculty member of facilitating public issues. http://www.joe.org/joe/2015june/a2.php.