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Extension Update – February 21, 2017   arrow

On behalf of CJ Mucklow:

Regional Meetings Reminder

Front Range Spring Meeting:  April 13, 2017, Balistreri Vineyards in Denver
Western Region Spring Meeting:  April 24-26, in Crested Butte
Peaks & Plains Spring Meeting:  May 9-11 in Burlington

2017 Annual Forum Dates

This year’s Extension Annual Forum will be held October 23-26, 2017 at CSU campus.

Changes in Extension HR, Risk Management, Professional Development

As of March 1, Judy Barth will move to half-time employment.   Lori Bates and she are now dividing searches, but plan to be back up to one another if needed.  Lori is now handling contracts, insurance certificates, etc. and Judy will continue to handle legal issues and professional development.  However, each is back up for the other.  So, if you are corresponding on any of these issues, it is best to copy both Lori and Judy to assure that one of them will respond in a timely manner.

Certified Budgets and Annual Reports

Your certified county budgets and annual report forms (2016 Annual County Financial Report, 2016 County Rental Value Report and Non-Appropriated Funds Annual Report) are due by the end of March.  If you are in the Western Region please get these to Kellie Clark by March 15th.  The original forms were sent out from Jana Smilanich-Rose.

Conflict of Interest

Just a reminder that you can now do your annual Conflict of Interest online in the Kuali system. They are due by April 15th, 2017, I would encourage everyone to just complete it.  It’s okay to have a conflict, it’s not okay to not disclose it. If you aren’t familiar with the Kuali system and need help getting into it, contact your Regional Office for help.

Awards of Excellence

These Awards will be repeated this year and awarded at spring Regional Meetings. They come with a $500 award.  Please see the attached explanation, categories and nomination form.

Western Region Vacancies

TRA Entomologist. Interviews were held last week and the committee has made a recommendation for hire and is waiting on approval. Bob Hammon will retire this Spring.

TRA Agronomist. Ron Godin has announced his retirement effect March 15, 2017 and the position description is under review.

STEM Agent in Garfield County. This county funded position is in the process of being approved and will be posted soon.

Archuleta County Director.  Robert Tolan is retiring effective April 1, 2017.  The position has closed and the search committee is reviewing applications.

Planning and Reporting – Jan Carroll & Darrin Goodman
The Plans of Work (POWs) for all ten Planning and Reporting Units (PRUs) are now loaded into our Colorado Planning and Reporting System (CPRS)  That means that individuals may now create their Plans to Invest (PTI).  According to our calendar, everyone should have a PTI entered into CPRS by March 1.  However, the system is  open for you to enter your PTI now.  Your supervisor will approve your PTI, and once that happens you may begin to report.  Please remember, everyone is expected to report by the 10th of every month, so that our data are timely, accurate, and complete.

With any technical questions, please contact Darrin or 970-491-2734.

With any program questions first contact your PRU leader

Program Funding for calendar year 2017 – Jan Carroll

Program Leadership Team (PLT) awarded program funding to Planning and Reporting Units (PRUs) on February 15.  Regional Directors reviewed the proposals and made the following recommendations:

PRU Funded
Crops $3,100
Energy $3,700
Env Hort* $3,000
FAFS $4,800
Food Sys
& CD joint
L&R $4,700
NFS&H $4,700
NR $4,000
Total $35,000

*CJ Mucklow has funded an additional $1,000 for Environmental Horticulture PRU proposal.