On behalf of the State Administration Office:
- CSU Tell Someone Program – Joanne Littlefield
- Planning and Reporting – Jan Carroll & Darrin Goodman
- 2017 Conflict of Interest Disclosures – Yvonne Bridgeman
- Mark your calendars
CSU Tell Someone Program – Joanne Littlefield
The Tell Someone program is a resource for the CSU community, to give us all positive steps to take to take care of each other. You’ll be receiving a hard copy of the attached poster in Friday mail soon. Please consider where in your office you’d like to post this, such as a break room or common employee gathering area. For more information, contact Joanne Littlefield.
Planning and Reporting – Jan Carroll & Darrin Goodman
The Plans of Work (POWs) for all ten Planning and Reporting Units (PRUs) are now loaded into our Colorado Planning and Reporting System (CPRS) https://lmprs.net/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.home . That means that individuals may now create their Plans to Invest (PTI). According to our calendar, everyone should have a PTI entered into CPRS by March 1. However, the system is open for you to enter your PTI now. Your supervisor will approve your PTI, and once that happens you may begin to report. Please remember, everyone is expected to report by the 10th of every month, so that our data are timely, accurate, and complete.
With any technical questions, please contact Darrin darrin.goodman@colostate.edu or 970-491-2734
With any program questions first contact your PRU leader http://extension.colostate.edu/docs/staffres/program/pru-leaders.pdf
2017 Conflict of Interest Disclosures – Yvonne Bridgeman
You may have seen a message from Provost Miranda this week reminding all Administrative Professional employees to complete their online COI disclosures (State Classified employees are exempt from this).
From a computer outside of CSU main campus log in with your eID at: https://secure.colostate.edu and select the ‘Conflict of Interest (COI)’ link.
From a computer on campus you may log in at http://coi.colostate.edu or select Kuali Research (KR) within the AAR portal.
Once logged in, click on the COI dropdown on the top menu and then select ‘Create Annual Disclosure’ (second link from the top as shown below). Answer the questions in the disclosure and click the checkbox next to your name in the Certification section, and then click Submit. Please note that the Save button at the bottom of the screen does not send the disclosure to your supervisor, so you must use the Submit button.
Please plan to complete your disclosure no later than April 15. Feel free to contact me with any questions or issues you come across with using the online COI disclosure system.
March 10, 10:00-11:00 AM – Zoom meeting with Lou Swanson, Bruce Bosley & Dan Fernandez on Anhui Agricultural University and International Initiatives (more details coming soon)
April 13 – Front Range Regional meeting at Balistreri Vineyards in Denver
April 24-26 – Western Regional meeting in Crested Butte
May 9-11 – Peaks & Plains Regional Meeting in Burlington