On behalf of CJ Mucklow:
- TimeClock Plus
- Narratives
- Western Region Positions
- Professional Development Funds
- Congratulations Tami Eggers and Routt County 4-H
- Fair Season
- Take some time for you
- Let’s take care of ourselves
The whole University switched to this system for tracking various work times (Sick, Vacation, Time worked etc.) starting July 1. Please review Lori Bates’ previous email on how to use this software. If you can’t find it, email me or Kellie and we will resend it. As with any new product there are some glitches. If you experience one just contact Lori to solve it.
Recently Program Assistant for the Western Region, Kellie Clark, came across some old narratives. See the first attachment. They are fun to read and it reminds me that the more things change, the more they stay the same. We still do a lot of this 30 plus years later!
I encourage everyone to write at least one narrative this year.
Tri River Area Agronomist
Interviews were held earlier in the month and we are in final negotiations with the preferred candidate.
San Miguel Basin 4-H Coordinator, Dawn Bruce has resigned. She will be moving to Oklahoma where she has a full time position and can assist her aging parents. The position is under review.
Professional Development Funds
Again this year, you can apply for professional development funds. To do so you request funds from your immediate supervisor. Once you have their approval it goes to your Regional Director for final approval. Each Agent or Director can apply for a maximum of $750. When making your request please state what and where you’re attending, the dates and the amount requested. Funds are awarded on a first come, first used basis. So, apply early if you are planning to attend something this fiscal year.
Congratulations Tami Eggers and Routt County 4-H
Tami and the Rout County 4-H program won a National award for the 4-H Agents Association for her Junior Leadership Program in Routt County. To learn more about it go to the link below. The best in the nation! Way to go Tami!!!!
Routt County 4-H junior leadership program best in country …
Extension agent Tami Eggers was happy when she learned the Routt County 4-H Junior Leadership Program had won the Greg Yost Memorial Youth in Leadership Award at the …
We are in the middle of Fair season! It should be a great time of year to see the achievements of 4-H Youth. However, we all know it is also stressful to say the least. Remember it’s first about Grand Champion Youth, not animals or projects.
Before this summer winds up, take a little time for yourself. Steven Covey said something like — you have to recharge your batteries! So do it. Take some time off. To that end, my wife and I had the opportunity to take the Cary Weiner family to our cabin last weekend. I was the chief fishing guide for the Weiner girls. See attachment 2. I also went hiking, paddle boating and built fairy houses. (Yes I’m a licensed contractor for fairy houses!!). Weiner girls fishing at 6 am attachment 3.
My point is take the time to recharge your batteries this summer too.
I’ve learned that at least three agents have had some type of major medical issue at a 4-H event. A car wreck too! These include serious Infection, ruptured appendix and heart surgery. Remember to take care of your physical self too!!