Extension Updates
To assure that all of you are kept up to date on a regular basis, the three regional directors and the state Extension Administration Office provides bi-weekly Extension Updates. This forum is for all Extension announcements, so if you have something to distribute, please forward it to Lori Bates with FOR EXTENSION UPDATE noted.
September 15, 2015
On Behalf of Bill Nobles:
- 7th Clear Creek Watershed Festival
- Pedal the Plains, September 18-20
- Support Staff Training on October 5-7 in Keystone
- Salary Task Force – final two proposals
- County and Area Director (CAD) Meeting – December 2015
- Evaluation Opportunity for PRUs
- Rams Represent Facebook App
- Range Beef Cow Symposium
- Peaks and Plains Vacancies and Hires
7th Clear Creek Watershed Festival
Discover what’s in your watershed at the 7th annual Clear Creek Watershed Festival on Saturday, September 19 from 10 am – 3 pm at Courtney-Ryley-Cooper Park in Idaho Springs (across from Safeway). It’s a fun-filled day of FREE environmental education and interactive kid/family activities! There will be 25+ passport stations, snowmaking, gold panning, fly-tying and fly fishing, 4-H water activities, climbing tower, face painting, live music, obstacle course and more. Get your Watershed passport stamped and earn cool prizes & a free lunch coupon. Click here for the flyer from Christine Crouse in Clear Creek County.
Pedal the Plains, September 18-20
Good luck and have a safe trip! The 4-H Pedal the Plains Team will be close to 30 riders this year. Should be an opportunity to build some relationships with agents, colleagues, and 4-H supporters. They will all ride from Julesburg to Holyoke, Holyoke to Sterling and back to Julesburg over a three-day period.
Support Staff Training on October 5-7 in Keystone
An email was sent from Kellie Clark on September 2 about registering for the Support Staff Training in Keystone. I echo Director Swanson’s earlier email and encourage county/area directors to follow up with your support staff and emphasize the importance of this training. Click here for the agenda.
Salary Task Force – final two proposals
Attached are the Salary Task Force final two proposals – 2016 Salary Raise Guideline Proposal and CSU Extension Agents of Excellence Yearly Awards Program for everyone’s review. Eric McPhail will put together a 3-4 page insert for the Extension Forum packets. Please take a minute and review.
County and Area Director (CAD) Meeting – December 2015
The CAD meeting is scheduled for December 7-9 in Pueblo. The initial stages of planning are in the process and we will be sending out more information soon.
Evaluation Opportunity for PRUs
Fall semester is off to a good start here on campus. That means there are opportunities for students and faculty to invest in our programming. The School of Social Work has contacted us to say they have started a two-semester long program evaluation course and are wanting to connect with Extension. It is a fabulous way for students to learn about Extension and the work that we do as well as for us to build relationships with faculty across campus. The two semester class provides sufficient time to plan, develop, test and potentially implement either short or medium term program evaluation. Connecting with faculty is also a great way to explore evaluation techniques and tools that are new to us. We would encourage you, your county or PRU to visit with Dr. Audrey Shillington, Director of the School of Social Work (audrey.shillington@colostate.edu) if you are interested.
Rams Represent Facebook App
CSU fans go to http://ramsrepresent.colostate.edu to Ramify your Facebook profile picture. It’s super easy. And an incredible way to unite our Ram community on social. GO RAMS!
Range Beef Cow Symposium
CSU’s Department of Animal Sciences will host the 24th Range Beef Cow Symposium, November 17-19 at The Ranch in Loveland. The early registration deadline is October 26, after which registration prices will increase. For a full schedule of events and speakers, hotel accommodations and online registration, visit the Range Beef Cow Symposium website at www.rangebeefcow.com, or contact Jason Ahola (970-491-3312; jason.ahola@colostate.edu) or Libby Bigler (970-491-2333; libby.bigler@colostate.edu).
Peaks and Plains Vacancies and Hires
- Wilma Trujillo has accepted the Agronomy/Cropping Systems Extension Agent, Logan and Morgan Counties, Sterling and Fort Morgan. Her start date is November 1.
- Travis Taylor has accepted the position as the County Director/Agriculture and Livestock/4-H Youth Development Agent in Lincoln County, Hugo, effective October 1.
- Area Extension Agent, Weed Science/Agronomy Golden Plains Area (GPA) Sedgwick County, Julesburg, TBA soon.
- Area Extension Agent (4-H Youth Development), Crowley and Otero Counties, Ordway, CO. Southeast Area is in the interview process.
- A new Agronomy/Cropping Systems Extension Agent, in the SEA located in Lamar is under review.
- 4-H Youth Development – School Enrichment/After-School Agent in Pueblo County is under review.
Get ready for some FALL weather!