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Established 1908

Photograph Checklist   arrow

  • The photograph answers who, what, why, when, where and how.
  • The photograph is newsworthy – it says something.
  • The photograph has a clear subject.  Does the picture draw the viewer’s eye to the subject?
  • The photograph draws the viewer’s attention to the subject.
  • The photograph is simple with no extraneous information or clutter (try to select photo opportunities with a plain background).
  • A caption is included with the photograph that provides proper name, ages of subjects and a full description of the action.
  • The participants in the photograph have signed consent forms.
  • The photograph shows the subject from a front or side-view angle, if possible.
  • The photograph has the proper balance of shadow and light (facial features are not lost in shadow, for example).
  • The photograph does not crop out faces, limbs, etc.
  • Avoid “Grin and Shake” photos, such as photos of check passings for donations, etc.  Instead, photograph an example/story of how the donation
    will benefit others.