August 2015
Sympathy to . . .
Jan Carroll (Extension Administration Office). Jan’s mother, Mary Eloise Binger, passed away on June 2. A memorial picnic was held on June 12 at City Park in Fort Collins.
Congratulations to . . .
Annette Haas, Extension Specialist 4-H Youth Development, STEM & K-12, for being awarded $15,000 for the 4-H Science: Building a 4-H Career Pathway (Cohort 2) award sponsored by the National 4-H Council (supported by Lockheed Martin).
Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Lori Bates at, and provide her the information so we can recognize your success.
Investigators | Sponsor | Title | Award Date |
Amount |
Curtis Mucklow (Primary PI); JoAnn Powell | USDA-NRCS-Natural Resources Conservation Service | Small Acreage Management Coordinators | 7/9/2015 | $83,401 |
Joel Schneekloth (Primary PI) | Syngenta | Agrisure Artesian Water Use Efficiency Under Different Irrigation Programs – Full Season | 7/14/2015 | $45,802 |
$129,203 |
As of August 3, 2015
Judith Barth, Director of Operations
The Personnel Directory will be updated as of August 3, 2015. If you are interested in a hard copy of the Directory click on: Then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.” |
Be sure to check out our new colleagues on the last page of this newsletter. |
Douglas County
County Director
Joe Julian has announced his retirement this December. This position is under review but will be advertised shortly.
Jefferson County
Extension Colorado Master Gardener and Plant Clinic Coordinator, #17-15, half-time
The search committee is reviewing the applications. The interviews will be held in Jefferson County on August 27.
Larimer County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Science/Community Development (half-time), #12-15
Suzanne Schneider has accepted the position effective September 1. Suzanne has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Emory University and a master’s and Ph.D. in anthropology from Michigan State University. Most recently she has been employed at Maryland University of Integrative Health in Laurel, Maryland.
Golden Plains Area
Area Extension Agent (Sedgwick County), Agronomy
The position is under review.
Extension Agent (Logan and Morgan Counties), Agronomy/Cropping Systems, #13-15
Interview dates are scheduled for August 11 and 12.
Southeast Area
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Crowley and Otero Counties, #16-15
Interviews will be held on September 2 and 3.
Peaks and Plains Region
Regional Extension Specialist (Range and Natural Resources) #TBD
Casey Matney has announced his resignation effective July 22. Casey has accepted a position with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. The position is under review but should be advertised shortly.
Garfield County
Extension Agent, Ag/Natural Resources, #TBD
Pat McCarty has announced his retirement effective July 6. The position is under review.
CSU Campus
Network Service Coordinator, #TBD, Technology Unit
Angie Asmus has announced her resignation effective July 7. The position is under review but should be advertised shortly.
Go to top of this page.
All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to: Lori Bates at
Name: Ann Covington-Duncan
Title: Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Science
Location: TRA Montrose
Date of Hire: June 2015
Personal Information: I grew up on a ranch in Montrose, CO and from a young age was involved in agriculture, 4-H and overall health and wellness. I love helping my community and being an active resource for individuals of all ages.
Job Experience: My job experience has been heavily based in thirteen years of hospitality and customer service. I ran a very successful restaurant for several years, and have always aimed to please the people I am helping.
2009 Bachelor of Science Food Science & Nutrition, Colorado State University
2012 Master of Science Food Science & Nutrition, Colorado State University
Name: Megan Blaser
Title: Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
Location: Larimer County
Date of Hire: July 2015
Personal Information: I was born and raised in Douglas County, Oregon. I have been involved in 4-H for over 15 years in both Oregon and Wisconsin as a 4-H Member, Leader, Cloverbud Leader, 4-H Program Summer Assistant, and a 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent. Beyond my efforts with 4-H, I enjoy traveling, kayaking, snowshoeing, and sewing.
Job Experience: Prior to working with Colorado Extension, I worked for the University of Wisconsin Extension and Oregon State University Extension serving their respective 4-H Programs. Beyond 4-H, I have also worked for CARIS Innovation Inc. as a Healthcare Consultant specializing in compliance. Most recently, I worked for the Centennial Area Health Education Center as a Community Health Education Coordinator where I coordinated general public health education, healthcare pipeline programs, and continuing education for current professionals for 10 counties in the Northeastern region of Colorado.
2007 Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design at Oregon State University
2009 Master of Arts in Education, Adult Education & Training at University of Phoenix.
Name: Toby Swaford
Title: Extension Coordinator, 4-H STEM Outreach
Location: Larimer County
Date of Hire: July 2015
Personal Information: I moved to Colorado in 2006, trading the beaches of Florida for mountain views and the occasional snow shovel. In my spare time I enjoy reading, cooking, and working around the house; as well as hiking and other outdoor activities with my wife and our three dogs.
Job Experience: At an early age I developed an insatiable curiosity that has often pulled me in several directions at once including studies in performing arts, anthropology and education. Naturally, I found a career in creating informal education experiences and presentations for a variety of museums and zoological parks, as well as the Denver Comic Con.
2002 B.A. Anthropology, Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida
2013 M.Ed. in Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment, Regis University, Denver, Colorado