Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Susan Harris at and provide her the information so we can recognize your success.
No award dollars reported this month.
As of December 22, 2016
Judith Barth, Director of Operations
The Personnel Directory is updated as of December 1, 2016. If you are interested in a hard copy of the Directory click on: Then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.” |
Be sure to check out our new colleagues on the last page of this newsletter.
Adams County
Extension Program Associate, 4-H Youth Development-School Enrichment/After School, #23-16
Lacey Mann has accepted the position and will start on January 23, 2017. Lacey currently works in Prowers County as the 4-H youth development Extension agent. Congratulations Lacey!
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #TBD
This position is under review.
Broomfield County
Extension Director & Agent, 4-H Youth Development, (.75 FTE), #22-16
Kim Morrison accepted the position and will start on February 1, 2017. Kim currently works in Boulder County as the 4-H youth development Extension agent. Congratulations Kim!
Douglas County
Extension Agent, Horticulture/Small Acreage, #04-17
This position will be advertised soon.
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #26-16
This search failed and closed without a hire. The position was reviewed and will be re-advertised in January.
Jefferson County
Colorado Master Gardener Coordinator, (.50% Time), #24-16
Shelly Morrell-Gritten accepted the position and will start on January 6, 2017. Shelly currently works as a part-time instructor at CSU in the Center for Educator Preparation. She teaches 2 sections of Education 275 – Schooling in the United States, a foundational teacher licensure course focused on the current sociocultural and diversity issues in the U.S. that impact students’ education. Shelly earned a B.S. in business administration at Villanova University. She also has a M.A. in English education and a M.S. in human dimensions in natural resources from CSU. Congratulations Shelly!
Sedgwick County
Area Extension Agent, Weed, Science/Agronomy, Golden Plains Area, #TBD
Brian Talamantes resigned December 2. This position is under review.
Southeast Area-Kiowa County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture/Natural Resources, #21-16
Jeramy McNeely accepted the position and will start January 3, 2017. Jeramy returns to Extension after leaving in 2012. Welcome back Jeramy!
Kiowa County
Area Extension Agent
Kaye Kasza is retiring May 1, 2017. This position is under review.
Prowers County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development
Lacey Mann accepted the position in Adams County. This position is under review.
Peaks and Plains Region
Extension Specialist, Small Acreage Management
This position is jointly funded by NRCS and is currently under review.
Archuleta County
Extension Director, #TBD
Advertising will begin in early January.
Tri River Area
Area Extension Agent, Entomology, #01-17
Interviews are tentatively scheduled for February 27-28.
CSU Campus
State Director, 4-H Youth Development #25-16
Interviews are scheduled for the week of January 16.
Extension Coordinator, Network Systems, #02-17
This position is being advertised with a deadline of January 12.
Program Associate, Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI), #06-17
This position will be advertised in January.
Livestock Marketing Information Center
Agricultural Economist
Jessica Sampson resigned effective December 30. This position is under review.
All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to Sue Harris at
Name: Laura Krause
Title: Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Science
Location: Pueblo County
Date of Hire: December 2016
Personal Information: I was born and raised in Pueblo, Colorado. I grew up participating in 4-H, with a particular passion for the dog project. From my 4-H start, showing and training dogs is still one of my most favorite hobbies. I also enjoy outdoor activities including hiking and skiing.
Job Experience: While getting my Master’s degree, I worked as a research assistant in a laboratory on campus at CSU focusing on worker and animal health, and food safety in dairy parlors. I then worked at the Pueblo City-County Health Department as an Environmental Health Technician. Finally, I spent a summer as a Seasonal FCS Program Assistant for the CSU Extension Office in Pueblo County, facilitating programs on food preservation and collaborating with other agents on projects such as county fair and adventure day camp.
2014 B.S. Environmental Health, Minor: Food Safety & Science, Colorado State University
2016 M.S. Environmental Health, Concentration: Industrial Hygiene, Colorado State University
Name: Lupe Lemos-Sigward
Title: Extension Site Coordinator
Family Leadership Training Institute
Location: Larimer County
Date of Hire: October 2016
Personal Information: I was born and raised in Fort Collins, Colorado. I enjoy spending time with my family which includes my husband, adult daughter and certified therapy dog. I also enjoy long walks in the sunshine. My favorite pastime includes volunteering in my community. My favorite color is purple and I always find a way to incorporate purple into my day.
Job Experience: I have over 20 years of experience working in education. Prior to working at CSU Extension, I held positions at Poudre School District and Colorado State University. I have served as a teacher, social worker, school counselor, mental health therapist, assistant principal, learning specialist and program coordinator. I have also taught leadership classes to students in a variety of age groups ranging from primary grades to college level.
1998 B.S. Bachelor of Arts, Social Work, Colorado State University, Fort Collins
2000 Master of Education, Education/Human Resources, Counseling/Career Development, Colorado State University
Name: Jeramy McNeely
Title: Area Extension Agent
Agriculture/Natural Resources and
4-H Youth Development
Location: Kiowa County
Date of Hire: January 2016
Personal Information: I was born and raised in Kit Carson, CO. I have a lovely wife named Lisa and 3 beautiful step daughters. When not working, I enjoy playing guitar and team roping.
Job Experience: I I am coming back to Extension from being a full time musician and working on various ranches.
2001 B.S. Elementary Education, Oklahoma Panhandle State University
2008 M.A. Educational Leadership, Adams State College