Sympathies to…
Luann Boyer and family as her husband, Pat Boyer passed away on November 15, 2018. Luann was the former Family & Consumer Education and 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent in Morgan County. His Celebration of Life will be held on January 5, 2019 at Morgan County REA. Online condolences and obituary can be found using the link.
New Extension Awards New Extension Awards | |||
Investigators | Sponsor | Title | Total Award Amount |
Retta Bruegger | USDA-USFS-Forest Research | Citizen Science for Rangeland Health: Engaging Ranchers in Science, 6/30/2018 – 12/31/2019 | $23,147 |
Jenny Beiermann | USDA-RMA-Risk Management Agency | Risk Management Education for Colorado Farmers and Ranchers, 9/30/2018 – 03/31/2020 | $116,489 |
Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Susan Harris at and provide her the information so we can recognize your success.
The Personnel Directory will be updated as of December 1, 2018. If you are interested in a hard copy, go to then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.”
Be sure to check out our new colleagues this month.
As of December 1, 2018
Denver County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #42-18
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 4.
Douglas County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Outreach, #TBD
Mary Baldwin retired November 30. The position is under review.
El Paso County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Leadership, #05-19
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 18.
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #06-19
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 20.
Jefferson County
Extension Agent, Natural Resources, #38-18
Interviews are scheduled for December 12 and 13.
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #03-19
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 27.
Larimer County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #35-18
Interviews are scheduled for December 13 and 14.
Custer County
Extension Director, #36-18
Negotiations are underway.
Morgan County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #01-19
The position closed on November 29. Interviews are scheduled for January 3 and 4.
Pueblo County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #11-19
The position is under review.
Kit Carson
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #TBD
Mick Livingston will be retiring effective January 2. The position is under review.
Yuma County
Area Extension Agent, Livestock, #40-18
Interviews are scheduled for December 3 and 4.
Cheyenne County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture Business Management, Livestock/Range, #08-19
The position will be advertised soon.
Kiowa County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Natural Resources, #07-19
The position will be advertised soon.
Eagle County
Extension Agent, Horticulture and Small Acreage Management, #33-18
Denyse Schrenker has accepted the position effective December 3. Denyse received her BS in agriculture science from Truman State University and her MS in agronomy from Pennsylvania State University.
La Plata County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #02-19
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 11.
Rio Blanco County
Extension Director and Agent, Agriculture, 4-H Youth Development, #09-19
The position is under review.
Mesa County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #34-18
Interviews were held on November 16. Negotiations are underway.
Area Extension Program Associate, Horticulture, #41-18
The position closed on November 20. Interviews are scheduled for December 17 and 18.
Montrose County
Area Extension Agent, Small Acreage Management, #TBD
Isaac Munoz will be retiring effective December 7. The positon is under review.
Director of Communications, #10-19
The position #37-18 Director of Outreach and Engagement was closed without hire. It is being advertised as #10-19 with the title change Director of Communications and a deadline of December 19.
State Master Gardener Coordinator, #04-19
The position description has been submitted to HR.
Assistant Director, Professional Development, #39-18
The position is being advertised with a deadline of December 13.
All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to Sue Harris at
Name: Patrick Pulis
Title: Extension Program Associate, 4-H Youth Development
Location: Weld County
Date of Hire: October 2018
Personal Information: I grew up in Douglas County and after college, I lived in Peru for 3 years with the Catholic Church helping the poor, studying, and praying. I returned to the US and became President of a nonprofit in Pueblo called EAST that improved the east side of the city with various projects. I played soccer since I was 5 and was the highest goal scorer in High School. I recently got engaged to Rebecca Schell and we will get married in June.
Job Experience: I worked for CSU Extension/4H/AmeriCorps in Pueblo County for 1 year.
2015 Bachelor of Arts and Sciences in Philosophy – University Colorado, Boulder