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Established 1908

Personnel Notes – February 2019   arrow

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Sympathies to…

Elisa Shackelton and family as her husband, Mike Vermilya passed away on January 12, 2019. Online condolences and obituary can be found using the link.

Welcome to…

Monique Mull as new Extension State Classified Staff! Monique started as the Administrative Assistant for CJ Mucklow and the Western Region on January 11. Great to have you!


New Extension Awards
Investigators Sponsor Title Total Award Amount
Mark Platten – PI Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Teller County CDPHE Radon Grant, 12/28/2018 – 9/30/2019 $5,171
C.J. Mucklow – PI Colorado Department of Agriculture Viticulture Extension Specialist for the Colorado Wine Industry, 02/01/2019 – 10/31/2020 $85,112
Patti Schmitt – PI Colorado Department of Law – Attorney General’s Office FLTI Ongoing Programming, 12/06/2018 – 06/30/2020 $93,400

 Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Susan Harris at and provide her the information so we can recognize your success. 

The Personnel Directory is updated as of February 1, 2019. If you are interested in a hard copy, go to then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.”

Be sure to check out our new colleagues this month.


As of February 5, 2019


Broomfield County
Program Associate, Horticulture (0.5 FTE), #13-19
The position is being advertised with a deadline of March 7.

Denver County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #42-18 #09-19
This is a failed search. It will be advertised again soon.

Douglas County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #16-19
This is a new position. It will be advertised soon.

El Paso County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Leadership, #05-19
Interviews were held on January 30 and 31.

Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #06-19
Interviews are scheduled for February 7 and 8.

Jefferson County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #03-19
Interviews are scheduled for February 6 and 7.

Larimer County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #35-18
This is a failed search. It is under review.


Morgan County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #14-19
The positon is under review. It will be advertised soon.

Pueblo County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #11-19
Interviews are scheduled for March 14 and 15.


Cheyenne County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture Business Management, Livestock/Range, #08-19
Interviews are scheduled for February 25 and 26.

Kiowa County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Natural Resources, #07-19
Interviews are scheduled for February 12 and 13.


La Plata County
Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, #02-19
Interviews were held on January 29 and 30.

Rio Blanco County
Extension Director and Agent, Agriculture, 4-H Youth Development, #TBD
The position is under review.


Montrose County
Area Extension Agent, Small Acreage Management, #TBD
Isacc Munoz retired December 7. The position is under review.


Extension Specialist, Small Acreage Management, #TBD
John Rizza has resigned effective February 11. The position is under review.

Extension Specialist, Viticulture, #12-19
This is a new position. It is being advertised with a deadline of February 19.


Assistant Director, Professional Development, #39-18
Interviews are scheduled for February 18 and 19.

Director of Communications, #10-19
Interviews are scheduled for February 28 and March 1.

State Master Gardener Coordinator, #04-19
Interviews are scheduled for March 4.

All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to Sue Harris at

New Staff Graphic

Guinevere Nelson

Name: Guinevere Nelson

Title: Extension Director & Agent – 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture, Natural Resources

Location: Custer County

Date of Hire: January 2019

Personal Information: I am a 4th generation Colorado native, and can be found enjoying all that the Colorado mountains have to offer, including skiing, mountain biking, fly-fishing and botany. I also enjoy reading poetry by Billy Collins, cooking, and conducting science experiments with my two children.

Job Experience: With the start of this job, I have worked in every major river basin in Colorado. I have a varied background with experience in weed control, vegetation mapping and surveying, landscaping, water quality, mine reclamation, river restoration, and community building. Prior to my start with CSU Extension, I was the Executive Director of a small environmental non-profit named Headwaters Alliance.

2008 B.S. Biology, Western Colorado University
2017 M.S. Environmental Management, Western Colorado University