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Personnel Notes – July 2016   arrow

Personnel Notes July header

Best wishes to . . .
Jeff Goodwin, State Director, 4-H Youth Development, on his retirement on August 12. Jeff will be retiring after 12 years at CSU Extension and a total of 33 years in his Extension career.

Sympathy to…
Gary Small (Colorado 4-H Foundation) and Mary Small (State Extension Office). Gary’s mother has passed away on June 30 and the funeral was held on July 5 in Wheatland, Wyoming. Condolences may be mailed to Gary and Mary at 3985 Crestone Dr., Loveland, CO 80537.


Notification of awards received is taken monthly from a CSU Sponsored Programs report. If you are the recipient(s) of an award(s) that did not go through Sponsored Programs, please email Susan Harris at and provide her the information so we can recognize your success.

Investigators Sponsor Title Award Date Amount
Joel Schneekloth (Primary PI); Ronald Meyer; Jose Chavez Colorado Corn Administrative Committee A Tool for Monitoring and Managing Water Stress in Corn 6/16/2016 $17,287

As of July 18 2016
Judith Barth, Director of Operations

The Personnel Directory is updated as of July 8, 2016. If you are interested in a hard copy of the Directory click on: Then click on “Printable Personnel Directory.”
Be sure to check out our new colleagues on the last page of this newsletter.


Adams County
Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development, #16-16
Kenzie Krinkee has accepted the position effective August 15. Kenzie received her BS in equine science, minor in business administration from CSU. She has been employed at the University of Wyoming as a 4-H Youth Development Educator.

Extension Program Associate, 4-H Youth Development-School Enrichment/After School, #TBD
Amy McFarland has announced her resignation effective August 10. This position is under review.

Boulder, Denver, Larimer & Weld Counties
Nutrition Program Supervisor, #17-16
This position is being advertised with a deadline for July 14.

Broomfield County
Extension Agent & Director, 4-H Youth Development, (60% Time), #TBD
This position is under review.

Douglas County
Extension Agent, Horticulture, #TBD
This position is under review and will be advertised soon.

Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development/Livestock, #TBD
This position is under review.

Weld County
Extension Associate, 4-H Youth Development, .45 FTE, Endowed, #15-16
Augusta Ahlm has accepted the position effective July 11. Augusta received her BS in agriculture and community development and Ag. Extension education, from New Mexico State University. She has been working as a graduate assistant at CSU College of Agriculture.


Peaks and Plains Region
Regional Extension Specialist, Range and Natural Resources, #13-16
Don Schoderbek has accepted the position effective July 8. Don received his BS in range science from the University of New Mexico. At present he is working on his MS in rangeland and wildlife resources at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta.

Pueblo County
Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science, #12-16
This search failed to end with a hire and is under review.

Southeast Area-Kiowa County
Area Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development and Agriculture/Natural Resources, #TBD
Brittany Bowman has resigned this position effective August 12. This position is under review.


No postings at this time.


CSU Campus
State Director, 4-H Youth Development, #TBD
Jeff Goodwin has announced his retirement effective August 12. Jeff will be moving to Hawaii to assume the 4-H Coordinator at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. The position is under review.

All items for CSU Extension Personnel Notes should be sent to Sue Harris at

New Staff Graphic

Amy Poston Lentz

Name: Amy Poston Lentz
Title: Extension Agent, Horticulture/Agriculture
Location: Weld County
Date of Hire: July 2016

Personal Information: I was born and grew up in the Greater Cincinnati area. The Bluegrass Region of Kentucky has been my home for the past 19 years but I am excited and looking forward to living in Northern Colorado. In my spare time, I enjoy gardening, photography, traveling, hiking and spending time with my husband and our two dogs.

Job Experience: Prior to working in Colorado Extension, I was the Horticulture Supervisor in the Department of Agricultural Sciences at Morehead State University where I taught horticulture classes and managed greenhouse production, vegetable gardens, small fruit production and an apple orchard. I have also worked as a seed analyst for the Kentucky Division of Regulatory Services and as a Research Analyst for Extension Specialists at the University of Kentucky.

2002 B.S. Natural Resource Conservation & Management, University of Kentucky
2007 M.S. Plant and Soil Science – Horticulture, University of Kentucky

Yvonne Bridgeman

Name: Yvonne Bridgeman
Title: Executive Assistant to Vice President for Engagement & Director of Extension
Location: State Administration Office
Date of Hire: May 2016

Personal Information: I grew up in western Kansas and moved to Fort Collins in 2000. I enjoy getting outside in the Colorado sunshine, traveling to new places, relaxing with a good book and my two cats, and most of all going on adventures with my eight year old daughter.

Job Experience: I’ve worked at CSU since 2001, starting out in the Registrar’s Office. I transferred to Biochemistry & Molecular Biology in 2006 where I was a graduate program coordinator and then office manager, and then to the Office of the Provost in 2012 where I was Assistant to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

2014 Bachelor of Arts, Sociology at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Jenny Beiermann

Name: Jenny Beiermann
Title: Regional Extension Specialist, Agriculture and Business Management Economist
Location: Mesa County
Date of Hire: July 2016

Personal Information: I was born and raised in Big Piney, Wyoming on our family ranch. I enjoy being outdoors, especially when I’m skiing in the winter or hiking and biking in the summer.

Job Experience: Before joining Colorado State University Extension, I worked as a research assistant at the University of Wyoming. I also worked in Human Resources for Bright Aggrotech, a Laramie, Wyoming based company that manufactures aquaponics and hydroponics growing systems.

2014 B.S. Agricultural Business, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
2016 M.S. Agricultural and Applied Economics, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY

Augusta Ahlm

Name: Augusta Ahlm
Title: Extension Program Associate, 4-H Youth Development, .45 FTE
Location: Weld County
Date of Hire: July 2016

Personal Information: I am originally from northern New Mexico. I am passionate about empowering youth through leadership and agricultural education. My favorite 4-H contest to coach is horse judging. My hobbies include riding horses and traveling.

Job Experience: Prior to working in Colorado Extension, I worked as the Assistant Trainer at Double T Performance Horses. I also worked as the Volunteer Coordinator for the non-profit organization, La Semilla.

2015 B.S. Agriculture Extension Education and Community Development, New Mexico State University