Travel Forms (click on the form name to access)
- Required for ALL out-of-state travel and in-state travel if airfare is/was purchased
- Fill in name, purpose of trip w/detail, travel dates, estimated expenses, account numbers
- Submit form by e-mail to
- TA number will be generated by the fiscal office
- Also required for out-of-state No-Cost to CSU travel
- Required for claiming expenses for out-of-state and in-state travel that is not single day
- Include TA number (if one was issued prior to the trip) on the TR. If you didn’t do a TA and you should have, beg forgiveness and send your completed TA and TR to the fiscal office (for out-of-state or in-state w/air)
- Complete the TR with name, purpose detail of trip, travel dates, destination, actual expenses, totals AND account numbers(s). E-mail form and receipts to
- No receipts necessary for meals. Insert “P” for meals provided/not applicable and “X” for meals to be reimbursed to you
- Use odometer readings or Mapquest for mileage
- Attach all original receipts and mail with the TR to the fiscal office. Fiscal office staff will electronically route the document for approvals
- All expenses incurred – hotel, registration, rental car, etc – MUST show proof of payment. This means it must show payment with cc#, check #, and/or a zero balance. If you don’t have this, you must wait for the charge to hit your bank statement and send a snapshot/copy of this statement with your travel voucher in order to be reimbursed
TR SD/M (Single Day/Monthly Mileage Reimbursement)
- Designed to be used for routine in-state travel when there are no overnight stays and in cases when only a mileage reimbursement is requested
- Meal reimbursements are not allowed on single day travel
- Complete the form with name, purpose w/trip detail, travel dates, destination, actual expenses, totals and account number. Use odometer readings or Mapquest for mileage. E-mail form and receipts to
- Mail any original receipts (parking, registration fee etc) with the form to the fiscal office. If you have no receipts, the e-mail only will suffice. The fiscal staff will electronically route the document for approvals
- For lost receipts over $25. Exceptions: A missing receipt form cannot replace a lodging and/or gasoline receipt. Gasoline can never be reimbursed without original receipt. Duplicate lodging receipts can be obtained by contacting the hotel/motel.