Forests, rangelands, and aquatic ecosystems throughout Colorado are some of the most diverse and spectacular in the nation. Extension resources range from range, pasture and natural area weed identification and management to conservation guidelines. Topic areas include Range, Native Plants, Water, Wildfire & Forestry and Wildlife.
- CSU News
News and information from Colorado State University. - CSU Engagement and Extension News
News and information from Colorado State University Engagement and Extension. - CSU Energizer Newsletter
Updates on CSU Extension energy work and its context in Colorado
CSU Extension has many publications to help understand and manage natural resources covering range, pasture and natural area weed identification and management to conservation guidelines. Topic areas include:
- An Overview of Wild Horse and Burro Management in the American West (12/21)
- Biology and Management of the Toadflaxes (12/14)
- Canada Thistle (11/13)
- Cheatgrass Management Handbook (8/13)
- Colorado Forage Guide (12/12)
- Conservation Easement Guidelines: What every landowner should know (3/08)
- Diffuse and Spotted Knapweed (11/13)
- Dryland Pasture Condition Assessment & Guidelines for Colorado Small Acreages (4/17)
- Foxtail Barley (12/14)
- Gambel Oak Management (6/12)
- Grass Growth and Response to Grazing (3/13)
- History of Wild Horses & Burros in Colorado and the American West (12/21)
- Kochia and Russian Thistle: Identification and Management (12/12)
- Leafy Spurge (11/13)
- Managing Small Acreage Pastures During and After Drought (12/14)
- Managing Western Whorled Milkweed (2/14)
- Musk Thistle (11/13)
- Purchasing Rural Property in Colorado (1/20)
- Range, Pasture and Natural Area Weed Management (11/13)
- Russian Knapweed (11/13)
- Weed Management for Small Rural Acreages (12/13)
Native Plants
- Native Grasses for Colorado Landscapes (8/12)
- Native Plant Garden Guides
- Low-water native plant garden guides for Colorado: Front Range (Print Version)
- Low-water native plant garden guides for Colorado: Mountains (Print Version)
- Low-water native plant garden guides for Colorado: Prairie (Print Version)
- Low-water native plant garden guides for Colorado: Southeast (Print Version)
- Low-water native plant garden guides for Colorado: West Slope (Print Version)
- Native Plant Reference List (8/12)
- Native Herbaceous Perennials for Colorado Landscapes (4/14)
- Native Trees for Colorado Landscapes (7/08)
- Native Shrubs for Colorado Landscapes (7/08)
- Sources of Native Plants (5/18)
- Addressing the Impacts of Wildfire on Water Resources (12/14)
- Agricultural Hydropower Generation: On-Farm (3/17)
- Bacteria in Water Wells (10/13)
- Domestic Water Quality Criteria (11/13)
- Emergency Water Supplies and Treatment (12/14)
- Glossary of Water Terminology (5/12)
- Irrigation Ditches and their Operation (12/14)
- Private Wells for Home Use (12/13)
- Protecting Your Private Well
- Rainwater Collection in Colorado (4/16)
- Selecting an Analytical Laboratory (11/13)
- Solar-powered Groundwater Pumping Systems (8/12)
Wildfire & Forestry
- Addressing the Impacts of Wildfire on Water Resources (12/14)
- Cheatgrass and Wildfire (5/12)
- Cheatgrass Management Handbook (8/13)
- Creating Wildfire-Defensible Zones (10/12)
- Fire-Resistant Landscaping (1/12)
- FireWise Plant Materials (1/12)
- Forest Home Fire Safety (1/12)
- Gambel Oak Management (6/12)
- Kochia and Russian Thistle: Identification and Management (12/12)
- Soil Erosion Control after Wildfire (1/12)
- Sustainable slash piles: Burning wood waste to make biochar (10/24)
- Wildfire Preparedness for Horse Owners (3/14)
- Big Game Field Care (6/10)
- Burrowing animals: Determining species by burrows & damage (2/16)
- Coping with Skunks (12/16)
- Deer Damage Prevention (10/14)
- Farming and Pheasants in Colorado (9/09)
- Game Carcass – Cutting (6/10)
- Ground Squirrel (Wyoming) Management (3/16)
- Managing Pocket Gophers (2/16)
- Managing Prairie Dogs (3/16)
- Managing Voles in Colorado (11/15)
- Northern Leopard Frogs (8/23)
- Private Land Recreation (11/13)
- Snakes (8/14)
- Wildlife as a Farm and Ranch Business (6/10)
- Woodpecker Damage Prevention (8/14)
Hot Topics
Weed Management for Small Rural Acreages Prevention, eradication, and control are three general management strategies. Learn more |
Rainwater Collection in Colorado Most homeowners in Colorado are now allowed to use rain barrels to collect rainwater. Learn more |
Cheatgrass and Wildfire Cheatgrass can produce more than 10,000 plants per square yard and is highly flammable. Learn more |
Recreation on Private Land Include considerations for managing recreation as part of your normal agricultural operation. Learn more |
Natural Resources Feature Programs
Colorado Native Plant Master® Program Would you like to learn more about the beautiful plants that grow in nature? Take a Native Plant Master class and get to know the plants of Colorado. Visit now |
Small Acreage Management Whether new to farming or an old pro, understanding your land and resources is crucial. Visit now |
Colorado Environmental Pesticide Education Program Pesticide safety, pest management, product labeling. Learn more |
CO-BURN: Colorado Biochar Use Resource Network Your source for information surrounding biochar topics in Colorado, including biochar production and usage. Learn more |
CSU-affiliated sites
- Blueprints and Housing Equipment Plans
- Drought Resources
- Extension Disaster Educational Netowrk (EDEN)
- Fire Resources
- Flood Resources
- Colorado Plant Database
- CSU Herbarium
- Native Plant Master® Program
- Noxious Weeds & Invasive Plant Species
- Noxious Weed Pocket Guide
- Soil, Water and Plant Testing Lab
- Spraying Trees to Protect Against Mountain Pine Beetle
- Understanding Biotechnology Issues
External Sites
- American Red Cross
- Colorado Department of Natural Resources
- Colorado Parks & Wildlife
- Disaster Assistance
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Living with Fire (Nevada)
- National Interagency Fire Center
- National Rain Barrel Program
- Rocky Mountain Wildland Fire Information
- USDA PLANTS Database
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Fire Administration
- U.S. Forest Service
- Western Water Assessment