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Established 1908

Irrigation Assessment Tools   arrow

Irrigation Workshops

Urban Landscapes The Lawn Irrigation Self Audit or LISA tool is to identify where lawn watering techniques and systems could be improved to benefit the homeowner.

Target Audience: Homeowners , City Park Managers, Golf Courses, Landscapers, Schools.

Urban Irrigation Assessment

Small Acreage(Furrow and Side Roll): Assessment programs for irrigation efficiency and uniformity on furrow (siphon tubes and gated pipe) and side-roll systems for small acreage owners.

Target Audience: Small Acreage Irrigators; usually with 1-40 acres of furrow or side-roll irrigation.

Small Acreage Irrigation Assessment

Commercial Sprinkler: Troubleshooting uniformity problems with center pivots and lateral moves.

Target Audience: Commercial Agricultural Producers.

Commercial Sprinkler Irrigation Assessment

Contact: Joel Schneekloth. Water Resources Specialist (Akron, CO). Water Institute / CSU Extension. 970-554-1905.