Urban Landscapes The Lawn Irrigation Self Audit or LISA tool is to identify where lawn watering techniques and systems could be improved to benefit the homeowner.
Target Audience: Homeowners , City Park Managers, Golf Courses, Landscapers, Schools.
Small Acreage(Furrow and Side Roll): Assessment programs for irrigation efficiency and uniformity on furrow (siphon tubes and gated pipe) and side-roll systems for small acreage owners.
Target Audience: Small Acreage Irrigators; usually with 1-40 acres of furrow or side-roll irrigation.
Commercial Sprinkler: Troubleshooting uniformity problems with center pivots and lateral moves.
Target Audience: Commercial Agricultural Producers.
Contact: Joel Schneekloth. Water Resources Specialist (Akron, CO). Water Institute / CSU Extension. 970-554-1905. Joel.Schneekloth@Colostate.edu