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Established 1908

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Explore a variety of free publications from CSU Extension

Note: Select publications are also available in Spanish.

Publications Available to Buy

You can also find exclusive Extension publications and materials for sale at the CSU Bookstore website, including:

  • 506A Insects and Diseases of Woody Plants
    This publication fully integrates the insects, plant pathogens, abiotic problems and “varmints” associated with trees and shrubs in Colorado and adjacent areas. Arrangement is by plant part (foliage, roots, fruits/flowers, trunks/large limbs, twigs/small limbs) and it includes a diagnostic key by plant part to allow ease of identification.
  • 521A Weeds of Colorado
    This publication catalogs 164 different weed species, with drawings and descriptions. It also covers harmful aspects of weeds, cost and classifications, weed control, plants poisonous to livestock and much more.
  • XCM150 Dependable Landscape Trees
    This comprehensive landscape tree guide includes photographs, helpful information, and a summary of the main ornamental features of each tree type. The book also contains several appendixes which list the trees by flower color, fruit color, landscape uses, mature size, and fall color. 

Available Upon Request

  • XCM61 Farm and Ranch Accounting Book
    This accounting book is still a classic for those who prefer to use spread sheets instead of a computer to track farm income and expenses. To request a copy, please email