WSARE Professional Development Program Details and Guidelines
Intent and Target Audience
The CSU Extension WSARE PDP is intended to increase knowledge of sustainable agriculture relevant to Colorado and drive practice change for CSU Extension Educators, CSU Faculty, NRCS, NGOs, and Colorado farmers and ranchers through group educational and professional development events. Practice change may be new educational strategies with stakeholders or farming or ranching practice change. Examples include but are not limited to conferences, workshops, field days, webinars, and other virtual events.
Eligibility and Amounts
Applicants must be CSU Extension personnel or CSU faculty. Collaborations with NRCS, NGOs, farmers, ranchers and related sustainable ag stakeholders are encouraged and should be described in your proposal.
Applicants with educational events providing professional development for less than 30 Educators, farmers, ranchers, and/or Faculty may apply for mini grants up to $2000.
Events providing professional development for 30 or more confirmed educators, farmers, ranchers, and/or faculty participants may apply for up to $5000.
Limited funds are available for Educational Event projects with more than 100 confirmed beneficiaries with awards up to $8000.
Limited funds are available for Individual Professional Development projects to cover the cost of registration fees, airfare, lodging, meals, parking, rental car, etc. with awards up to $1500.
Please review the allowable and unallowable expenses prior to submitting your proposal.
Performance Periods
- 12 month performance period: Individual PD projects and Educational Event projects for less than 10 people.
- >1 year performance period: Educational Event projects for more than 100 people can request a performance period for up to 36 months and not to exceed Dec 31, 2026 in their proposal.
Using the Logic Model in Projects and Proposals
Applicants should be familiar with the USDA Logic Model when conceptualizing a project and before writing a proposal. Pay close attention to the definitions of outputs and outcomes. Keep these sections of your proposal distinct, concise, and brief. Do not mix these sections of your proposal. This is a common error among applicants. See the graphic linked on the same page above for a visual representation of the logic model.
Evaluation Required
All projects awarded must be evaluated for short-term outcomes (changes in awareness, knowledge or attitudes) and medium-term outcomes (changes in decision-making, intentions or action among the target audience). An evaluation instrument for the event must be submitted with your application.
Individual PD awards must also demonstrate how they will share what they have learned with other Colorado stakeholders (see target audiences above), how they will deliver this information through educational outreach, and how they will measure knowledge gained through an evaluation instrument.
New in 2024:
Evaluation data will be captured through reporting into an online form The evaluation instrument should show question that will recruit answers to the items listed here that are also in the online reporting form.
Award Cycles and Application Process
There are two award cycles annually. Proposals are due March 30 or August 30 and award status will be provided in the month following application, April or September. Expedited review is available after discussion but not encouraged.
- Step 1 – Watch the video with guidance for completing a competitive proposal.
- Step 2 – Download and complete the desired form below and email it to Adrian Card.
Promoting WSARE
Part of your award agreement is to promote WSARE during your educational event. Use the logo and acknowledgement statement provided in your award letter. Also, please distribute this flyer to your program participants.
Accessing Funds Awarded
The PDP is a reimbursement-based award. Keep receipts and other payment evidence (copies of accounting ledger, cleared checks, etc.) related to your project reimbursement. After the educational event, email Adrian Card with an invoice using the template with payment evidence of expenditures related to the project. Expenditures must conform to your awarded project budget unless prior approval has been given. Also include a completed CSU Authorized Business Function Form with your invoice. Complete this online evaluation reporting form. Funds will not be disbursed without receipt of online evaluation reporting.
Advancing Sustainable Agriculture in Colorado
The WSARE PDP program supports numerous educational programs throughout Colorado, functioning as an important driver of farming and ranching practice change. Click here to see the current list of funded projects, awardees, and amounts. Click here to view the most recent progress report on the award to CSU from Montana State University.
Program Information contacts
For more information regarding the program and the funding opportunities contact Adrian Card (
Colorado PDP program contact:
Adrian Card
CSU Extension
WSARE Educational Resources and Grants Program
About Western SARE:
SARE is built on a foundation of respect for agricultural producers – the idea that farmers and ranchers know best what does and does not work on the land. Indeed, farmers and ranchers initiate many SARE research projects and are involved in nearly all of them as consultants or research coordinators. The bottom line: SARE supports high quality research and education in sustainable agriculture with minimum overhead.
SARE vision: SARE’s vision is an enduring American agriculture of the highest quality. This agriculture is profitable, protects the nation’s land and water and is a force for a rewarding way of life for farmers and ranchers whose quality products and operations sustain their communities and society.
SARE Mission: SARE’s mission is to advance – to the whole of American agriculture – innovations that improve profitability, stewardship and quality of life by investing in groundbreaking research and education.
Learn more at