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Search Results for: energy

Becoming a Colorado Energy Master

Colorado Energy Masters are individuals who have successfully completed all coursework and who complete an energy-related project of their choice. One does not need to become a certified Colorado Energy Master to take the courses. There are many reasons one might pursue certification as a Colorado Energy Master – to gain knowledge and skills in […]

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Introduction to Geothermal Energy

  The word “geothermal” comes from the Greek words geo (earth) and therme (heat); thus it refers to heat from the earth. It is the use of the natural temperatures contained in the earth or water to heat and cool buildings. Geothermal energy is broken down into three types: direct-use for heating; direct use for […]

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Winter – Simple Energy Saving Tips

  During the winter season energy conservation is crucial since heating accounts for the greatest use of energy in Colorado homes. Before the cold weather sets in you should perform a quick inspection of your home. Simply dampen your hand and place it in locations such as attic hatches, baseboards, corners of rooms, cracks, doors, […]

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Summer – Simple Energy Saving Tips

  During the summer season energy conservation is crucial since cooling can account for about 17% of home energy consumption in some homes. Before the hot weather sets in you should perform a quick inspection of your home. Simply dampen your hand and place it in locations such as attic hatches, baseboards, corners of rooms, […]

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Understanding Your Energy Bills

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Colorado State University ‘Faces of Energy’ Photo Exhibit

Colorado has it all! Sun, wind, water, oil, gas, coal, minerals and a rich cultural history associated with energy production and use. CSU Extension in partnership with the CSU College of Natural Sciences Education and Outreach Center captured our collective energy story through a statewide photo contest held in summer 2014. The result is a […]

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Nutrition News – Energy drinks not the best summer beverage

By Melissa Wdowik Food Science and Human Nutrition Professor June 1, 2015 Red Bull, Monster and Rockstar dominate the energy drink market, while sales of Full Throttle, Amp, NOS and others continue to climb. Energy shots are also hot, including 5-hour Energy and similar products. What’s the attraction? Caffeine, of course. An energy drink is […]

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Home Energy Audit Loan (HEAL) Program

Most Extension offices throughout the state can lend you a Home Energy Audit Loan (HEAL) program kit to find energy hogs in your home. All kits contain: Kill-a-watt power monitor to measure appliance electricity use Thermal leak detector to identify air leaks and missing insulation Flicker checker to detect fluorescent tube ballast efficiency Some kits […]

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Energy Contact

To request a workshop/program in your area, for more information on our energy initiatives, or for energy-related questions please contact: Cary Weiner Energy Specialist or (970) 491-3784  

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