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Search Results for: farm to table

Best Management Practices for Reducing Ammonia Emissions: Manure Application – 1.631D

Print this fact sheet by S.G. Lupis, J.G. Davis, and N. Embertson* (12/12) Quick Facts… Application of animal manure to crop fields is a potential source of ammonia (NH3) emissions from agriculture. Volatilization of ammonia from land-applied manure is a loss of valuable nitrogen, and can contribute to air quality concerns because NH3 contributes to […]

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Best Management Practices for Reducing Ammonia Emissions: Lagoon Covers – 1.631B

Print this fact sheet by S.G. Lupis, N. Embertson, and J.G. Davis* (12/12) Quick Facts… Covering stored liquid manure slows the release of ammonia gas into the atmosphere and reduces the effects of wind and heat on emission rates. Liquid manure stored in a covered facility can have up to 3.5 times the nitrogen content, […]

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Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes in Colorado – 1.227

Print this fact sheet by S. Sharvelle and L. Loetscher* (5/11) Quick Facts… Anaerobic digestion is a waste management solution that has the potential to provide a source of renewable energy. Anaerobic digestion technology converts animal waste to methane biogas, which can be utilized as a renewable source of energy. The end product is a […]

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Q Fever – 8.022

Print this fact sheet by D. Van Meter * (12/14) Quick Facts… Q fever is an infectious disease of animals and humans caused by a species of bacteria called Coxiella burnetii. Sheep, goats, and cattle can carry the organism. Animals that carry this organism and shed it into the environment usually do not show any […]

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H1N1 Influenza and Pigs – 8.021

Print this fact sheet by D. Van Metre * (12/14) Revised by M. Eisenach** Quick Facts… H1N1 influenza is a new strain of the influenza (or flu) virus that has been circulating among many people across the world since it was first detected in people in Mexico. The symptoms of H1N1 influenza in people overlap […]

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Gastrointestinal Parasites in Sheep and Goats: Frequently Asked Questions – 8.019

Print this fact sheet by D. Van Metre 1 (5/2010) Quick Facts… Gastrointestinal parasites are commonly found in sheep and goats worldwide. Parasites cause disease when they are present in large numbers or when the host animal is weakened by another disease or by poor nutrition. Some parasites cause a reduction in appetite by the […]

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Omega-3 Fatty Acids – 9.382

Print this fact sheet by L. Bellows, J. Clifford, K. Niebaum, and M. Bunning 1 (7/15) Quick Facts… The three main omega-3 fatty acids are: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). ALA comes from plants. EPA and DHA come from fish. DHA may be available in certain fortified foods (eggs, milk). […]

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Zinc and Iron Deficiencies – 0.545

Print this fact sheet by D.G. Westfall and T.A. Bauder* (12/11) Quick Facts… Zinc and iron deficiencies may occur in most areas of Colorado. Zinc and iron deficiencies can be recognized by plant symptoms. Confirm visual observations by soil test and/or plant analysis. Zinc deficiencies can be corrected by the application of zinc fertilizers. Soil […]

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Improve Yield With High Quality Seed – 0.303

Print this fact sheet by M.A. Brick * (12/14) Quick Facts… Seeds are one of the least expensive but most important factors influencing yield potential. Seed quality is determined by germination and purity analysis. By law, all crop seeds must be labeled for germination percent, crop seed, weed seed and inert matter content, and the […]

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Guide for Producing Dryland Camelina in Eastern Colorado – 0.709

Print this fact sheet by J.N. Enjalbert and J.J. Johnson* (7/11) Quick Facts… Eastern Colorado’s wheat-based, cropping system covers more than 4 million acres and spring-planted camelina would fit well into a dryland crop rotation. Unlike spring canola and Indian brown mustard, camelina is tolerant of flea beetles and other insects. Camelina can be grown […]

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