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Search Results for: farm to table

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Dryland Cropping Systems – 0.516

Print this fact sheet by R.L. Croissant, G.A. Peterson and D.G. Westfall * (12/14) Revised by B. Bosley** Quick Facts… Soils under no-till production systems store more water than soils on conventional stubble mulch systems and allow conversion to more intense crop rotations. Conversion to no-till systems using a three- to four-year rotation such as […]

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Safe Food Facts for Community Gardens – 9.381

Print this fact sheet by M. Bunning and M. Newby 1(3/2010) Quick Facts… Community gardens offer unique opportunities to enjoy the rewards of growing your own food. To ensure safety and quality, community gardeners should manage gardens and handle fresh produce properly. Following these practical tips can help you enjoy safe garden grown fruits and […]

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Drying Fruits – 9.309

Print this fact sheet by P. Kendall and J. Sofos* (6/12) Quick Facts… Successful drying depends on heat, air dryness and good air circulation. Select fresh, fully-ripened fruits. Pretreat fruit pieces by dipping in an ascorbic acid, citric acid, lemon juice or sodium metabisulfite solution. When dry, allow fruit to condition for 4 to 10 […]

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Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens – 9.373

Print this fact sheet by M. Bunning and P. Kendall1 (6/12) Quick Facts… Lettuce, spinach, and other salad greens are an important part of a healthful diet because they can be year-round sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Red and dark green leafy vegetables are generally higher in antioxidants, Vitamin B6, and […]

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Your Important Papers: What, Why, and How Long to Keep – 9.165

Print this fact sheet By N. Porter and L. Kubin* (8/13) Quick Facts… A systematic plan for keeping track of important documents can save you hours of anxious searching for misplaced items. It is important to carefully store valuable papers which would be difficult or timeconsuming to replace. These hard-to-replace documents are ideally kept in […]

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Long-Term Loan Repayment Methods – 3.757

Print this fact sheet by P.H. Gutierrez and N.L. Dalsted* (3/12) Quick Facts… Long-term loans can be repaid in a series of annual, semi-annual or monthly payments. Payments can be equal total payments, equal principal payments or equal payments with a balloon payment. The Farmer’s Home Administration usually requires equal total payments for intermediate and […]

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Preventing Youth and Adult Suicide – 10.213

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch, C.L. Collins, and D. Whitney 1 (4/08) Quick Facts… Seven 10- to 14-year-old and 51 15- to 19-year-old Coloradans took their own lives in 2005. Each year approximately 720 Coloradans die by suicide. Colorado counties with the highest suicide rates between 2001 and 2003 were: Sedgwick, Costilla, Gilpin, Saguache, […]

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Transitions and Changes: Practical Strategies – 10.214

Print this fact sheet by S. Quick, R.J. Fetsch and M. Rupured* (6/11) Quick Facts… Transitions and the disruption involved challenge people to concentrate on today and the moment. Seeing life’s changes as being like changing seasons can help. Many people fail to realize that every transition begins with an ending. Learning how to finish […]

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Managing Stress During Tough Times – 10.255

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch* (5/12) Quick Facts… by R.J. Fetsch* Resilient people re-frame and adjust their thinking and reactions away from a sense of lack and toward as sense of options. There is always more than one option to solve any problem. Stress and depression cause farmers and rural residents to have […]

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Making Decisions and Coping Well with Drought – 10.256

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch* (5/12) Quick Facts… There are at least three ways families can make decisions in their family meetings—autocratically, democratically, and by consensus. Reaching consensus is useful with major family decisions. However, it may be too time consuming to use with smaller decisions where an autocratic or democratic decision-making strategy […]

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