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Search Results for: farm to table

Grain Protein Content and N Needs – 0.555

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Goos, D.G. Westfall and A.E. Ludwick * (12/14) Quick Facts… Fields consistently producing grain with protein contents less than 11.1 percent very likely have nitrogen deficiencies that limit yields and protein content. These fields should receive more nitrogen fertilizer than is currently being applied. Fields producing grain with protein […]

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Field EC Mapping: A New Tool to Make Better Decisions – 0.568

Print this fact sheet by H. J. Farahani, R. Khosla and G.W. Buchleiter* (5/11) Quick Facts… Mapping soil composition across the field is easily done using measurements of soil electrical conductivity (ECa). A soil ECa map is important because it identifies areas in a field that have different soil compositions which may benefit from different […]

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Agricultural Respiratory Protective Equipment – 5.020

Print this fact sheet by M. Legault, P.D. Ayers and S.K. McDonald1 (3/07) Quick Facts… Read the label or material safety data sheet (MSDS) for the type of respiratory protection required. Ensure proper fit. Store respirators in a sealable, nonporous bag and in an area not exposed to chemicals or other agents that may be absorbed by […]

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Agricultural Pesticide Protective Equipment – 5.021

Print this fact sheet by P. Hansen and T. Walker* (12/15) Quick Facts… Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes clothing and devices that protect the body from contact with chemicals such as pesticides. Three factors affect a PPE’s chemical resistance: the chemical properties of the pesticide, the exposure time, and the exposure situation. Any plastic or […]

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Sprayer Calibration Fundamentals – 5.003

Print this fact sheet by P.D. Ayers and B. Bosley 1 (1/05) Quick Facts… Inaccurate pesticide application rates, spray patterns and droplet size can lead to the movement of pesticides from the targeted area and reduce pesticide effectiveness. The first step in sprayer calibration is to determine the correct nozzle type and size. Nozzle material […]

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Alcohol for Motor Fuels – 5.010

Print this fact sheet by J.L. Smith and J.P. Workman * (11/14) Revised by A. Drenth and P. Cabot** Quick Facts… Alcohols burn more completely then petroleumbased fuels, thus increasing combustion efficiency. Advantages of mixing alcohol with gasoline are that alcohol tends to increase the octane rating and reduce carbon monoxide and other tailpipe emissions. […]

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Partial Budget Form – 3.761

Print this fact sheet by P.H. Gutierrez and N.L. Dalsted* (11/13) Quick Facts… Many changes in a farm or ranch do not require reorganization. Use partial budgeting to project changes in: expanding an enterprise, create alternative enterprises, develop different production practices, buy new machines, hire a custom operation, or make capital improvements. Partial budgeting is […]

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The Optimal Cow Size for Intermountain Cow-Calf Operations – 3.767

Print this fact sheet by Jesse Russell and Dillon Feuz* (8/15) Quick Facts… The competitive nature of the cattle industry in the arid West means that cattle producers have to continually monitor their herds for efficiency. Calf revenue generally represents 75% to 90% of operating revenue making it imperative to raise calves that maximize revenues […]

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Break-Even Method of Investment Analysis – 3.759

Print this fact sheet by P.H. Gutierrez and N.L. Dalsted* (3/12) A break-even point defines when an investment will generate a positive return. Fixed costs are not directly related to the level of production. Variable costs change in direct relation to volume of output. Total fixed costs do not change as the level of production […]

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Trichomoniasis Prevention: The Cost Per Cow to Prevent – 1.628

Print this fact sheet by N. Striegel, R. Ellis, J. Deering 1 (3/09) Quick Facts… A protozoan organism, Trichomonas foetus (Tritrichomonas foetus), is the etiological cause of the disease. The disease itself is called trichomoniasis. The primary mode of transmission is from sexual contact during the act of a bull breeding a cow. No one […]

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