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Search Results for: energy

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Extension Update – April 7, 2016

On Behalf of JoAnn Powell: This is a long update, please read through to the end. Great information to be found. 2015 County Commissioner Satisfaction Survey Report Search Update Assistant Vice President for Engagement and Deputy Director of CSU Extension – Lou Swanson Assistant Vice President for Engagement and Deputy Director of CSU Extension – […]

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Nutrition News – Don’t be fooled by sugar’s sweetness

The new 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines have arrived, and while many readers will not study them carefully, there is an important point to bring to your attention: for the first time, they are telling Americans to limit their intake of sugar to 10 percent (or less) of daily calories. What sugar? The sugar guidelines are for […]

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Biochar in Colorado – 0.509

Print this fact sheet by M. Ramlow, C.M.H. Keske, M.F. Cotrufo* (1/16) Quick Facts Biochar shows promise for a variety of applications — such as utilizing residues from overcrowded and beetle- infested forests, storing carbon in soils, soil reclamation and mining remediation, and a soil amendment for gardening — but continued research is necessary to […]

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Nutrition News – Eight ways to reduce your food footprint this season

If you are like most Americans, the last six weeks of the year are filled with family, friends and food. Especially food. Usually more food than we can actually consume, meaning much of it goes to waste. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has identified food waste as a major global problem, estimating that […]

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Family Financial Stability

Running a household takes financial planning and resources. CSU Extension offers resources to help you and your family with financial stability and future planning. Please visit any of the tabs on this page to access these helpful resources. CSU Extension has identified many resources to help with your finances: Financial Resources America Saves America saves […]

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Managing Saline Soils – 0.503

Print this fact sheet by G.E. Cardon, J.G. Davis, T.A. Bauder, and R.M. Waskom* (10/14) Quick Facts… Accumulation of salts in irrigated soils is present in most irrigated regions of Colorado. Crop losses may occur with irrigation water containing as little as 700 to 850 mg/L TDS (total dissolved solids) or EC>1.2 dS/m. Salt-affected soils […]

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Selecting an Analytical Laboratory – 0.520

Print this fact sheet by R.M. Waskom, T. Bauder, J.G. Davis and J.R. Self * (11/13) Quick Facts… Yearly sampling of each crop field is recommended to make accurate nutrient management recommendations. Lawn and garden management also can be improved by soil sampling. About a dozen soil cores are adequate for a typical urban lawn […]

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Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming Systems – 0.569

Print this fact sheet by A.L. Elliott, J.G. Davis, R.M. Waskom, J.R. Self and D.K. Christensen* (10/14) Quick Facts… Adequate soil phosphorus (P) is essential for optimal crop yields. Phosphorus tends to move downhill across the field and is less likely to leach vertically into the ground water. On alkaline soils research shows that it […]

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Legume Seed Inoculants – 0.305

Print this fact sheet by B. Erker and M.A. Brick * (9/14) Revised by H. Schwartz** Quick Facts… Legumes convert atmospheric nitrogen to usable ammonia nitrogen for the plant. Inoculation is the process of introducing commercially prepared rhizobia bacteria into the soil. Each legume species requires a specific species of rhizobia to form nodules and […]

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Alcohol for Motor Fuels – 5.010

Print this fact sheet by J.L. Smith and J.P. Workman * (11/14) Revised by A. Drenth and P. Cabot** Quick Facts… Alcohols burn more completely then petroleumbased fuels, thus increasing combustion efficiency. Advantages of mixing alcohol with gasoline are that alcohol tends to increase the octane rating and reduce carbon monoxide and other tailpipe emissions. […]

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