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Search Results for: energy

Urea and NPN for Cattle and Sheep – 1.608

Print this fact sheet by J.C. Whittier* (6/11) Quick Facts… Urea can be fed to ruminants as an economical replacement for a part of the protein in a ration. The amount of urea a ruminant animal can use depends on the digestible energy or total digestible nutrients (TDN) content of the ration. No more than […]

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Stretching Your Horse’s Hay Supply During Drought – 1.625

Print this fact sheet L.K. Warren and P.D. Siciliano*(10/14) Revised by Ragan Adams** Quick Facts… High-fiber roughages should make up the majority of a horse’s diet. Ideally, horses should receive 1.5 to 2.0 percent of their body weight per day as roughage. If grain is needed to maintain body condition, divide the daily portion into […]

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Sheep Feeds and Management Guidelines During Drought – 1.633

Print this fact sheet by Steve LeValley* (4/13) Quick Facts… Extended periods of dry weather or drought generally shorten the season sheep can graze on available forage, which reduces forage quality and can lead to a need for supplemental feeding. Comparisons must be based on energy, protein and water content; silage and other high moisture […]

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Controlling Soil Erosion From Wind – 0.518

Print this fact sheet by T.A. James, R.L. Croissant and G. Peterson1 (8/09) Quick Facts… Vegetative barriers reduce erosion from wind by reducing unsheltered distance across fields. Barriers can protect young, sensitive, high-value crops from damage by blowing soil particles. Combinations of barriers and ridges can reduce residue requirements in conservation compliance plans. Fall-planted cover crops can prevent […]

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Feed Composition for Cattle and Sheep – 1.615

Print this fact sheet by T.L. Stanton* (12/14) Revised by S. LeValley** Quick Facts… Obtain and use actual feedstuff analysis whenever possible for ration formulation. If feedstuff compositional data is impossible to determine, tabulated data is the next best source of information. Since moisture content of feeds can vary greatly, it is important to express […]

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Anaerobic Digestion of Animal Wastes in Colorado – 1.227

Print this fact sheet by S. Sharvelle and L. Loetscher* (5/11) Quick Facts… Anaerobic digestion is a waste management solution that has the potential to provide a source of renewable energy. Anaerobic digestion technology converts animal waste to methane biogas, which can be utilized as a renewable source of energy. The end product is a […]

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Alternative Feeds for Cattle During Drought – 1.626

Print this fact sheet R. Baird LeValley* (11/20) Revised by Retta Bruegger, Jenny Beiermann, Frank Garry, Eric McPhail and Seth Urbanowitz** Quick Facts… Drought is a part of the normal production cycle. Dealing with dry periods and decreased feed supplies needs to be part of the overall management plan. In many cases, the best solution […]

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Pregnancy Toxemia (Ketosis) in Ewes and Does – 1.630

Print this fact sheet by S. LeValley1 (8/2010) Quick Facts… Pregnancy toxemia in sheep and goats is also known as pregnancy disease, lambing sickness and twin-lamb/kid disease. The principal cause of pregnancy toxemia is low blood sugar (glucose). Onset of the disease is often triggered by one of several types of stress including nutritional or […]

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Nitrate Poisoning – 1.610

Print this fact sheet by J.C. Whittier* (6/11) Quick Facts… Death loss from nitrate is an occasional problem in cattle consuming certain annual forages, particularly sorghum hybrids. Cattle producers should be concerned if rations contain over 5,000 ppm nitrate on a dry matter basis. Avoid poisoning with good management practices. A qualitative check called the […]

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Lamb Feedlot Nutrition – 1.613

Print this fact sheet by T.L. Stanton and S.B. LeValley* (2/14) Quick Facts… Meeting protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements is essential for profitable lamb finishing. Feedlot lambs are more efficient when self-fed than when hand-fed twice daily. Lambs fed whole grains have as good or better performance than when they are fed rolled or […]

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