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Search Results for: energy

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Weight Management – 9.368

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford and J. Curley * (12/19) Quick Facts… Healthy eating and regular physical activity are key to good health. Good health increases confidence, energy and productivity. Behavior change can be accomplished by identifying areas that need improvement, making step-by-step changes, and monitoring progress. The MyPlate method as the basis […]

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Water-Soluble Vitamins: B-Complex and Vitamin C – 9.312

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford and J. Curely * (12/19) Quick Facts… B-complex vitamins and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins that are not stored in the body and must be consumed each day. These vitamins can be easily destroyed or washed out during food storage and preparation. The B-complex group is found in […]

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Vegetarian Diets – 9.324

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford and A. Kozil* (9/17) Quick Facts… Following a vegetarian diet can be a healthful way to eat. Vegetarians are categorized by which animal foods are restricted in the diet. Nutritional requirements are the same for vegetarians and nonvegetarians but some nutrients require special attention. Vegetarianism includes a variety […]

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Sugar and sweeteners – 9.301

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford & K. Maloney* (1/16) Quick Facts… The desirable taste for sugar is innate. The body does not distinguish between natural sugars and processed sugars. All sugars contain four calories per gram. In 2002, the average American consumed 152 pounds of sugar per year. Sugar is natural and nontoxic. […]

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Physical Activity for Health – 9.387

Print this fact sheet By: J. Zaveri, B. Blegen, W. Martinez, R. Perry, and J. Clifford (4/22) Quick Facts… The more people move the better. Doing some form of physical activity throughout the day is always better than doing none. To get the most health benefits, adults should partake in 150 to 300 minutes of […]

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Osteoporosis – 9.359

Print this fact sheet by J. Haas, L. Bellows* (7/14) Quick Facts… Osteoporosis is a process of severe bone deterioration resulting in a high susceptibility to bone fractures. It is most often seen in postmenopausal women, particularly light-skinned, small-framed women with a family history of osteoporosis. The loss of calcium from bones is the major […]

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Nutrition Misinformation: How to Identify Fraud and Misleading Claims – 9.350

Print this fact sheet by L. Bellows and R. Moore* (9/13) Quick Facts Food fads, fad diets, health fraud, and misdirected health claims are all types of nutrition misinformation. A nutrition expert is known as a registered dietitian (RD) or a licensed dietitian (LD), and has a specialized degree in dietetics, nutrition, public health, or […]

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Nutrition for the Athlete – 9.362

Print This Fact Sheet by J. Clifford and K. Maloney* (7/15) photo by Ryan Smith (2011) Quick Facts… Athletes achieve peak performance by training and eating a balanced diet including a variety of foods. Carbohydrates and fat provide fuel for the body. The use of fat as a fuel source depends on the intensity […]

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Nutrition and Oral Health – 9.321

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford, L. Bellows and R. Moore** (8/17) Quick Facts… Regular check-ups and cleanings (twice a year) with a dentist are important steps in maintaining good oral health. Brush and floss teeth at least once a day–after each meal or snack is best. In communities with low fluoride levels in […]

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Nutrition and Aging – 9.322

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford and L. Bellows* (7/15) Quick Facts… To stay healthy adults should eat a variety of foods. Calcium, fiber, iron, protein and vitamins A, B 12, C and folacin in the diet or in supplement form become more important as people age. To reduce calories, select nutrient-dense foods. Foods […]

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