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Search Results for: energy

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Water Conservation In and Around the Home – 9.952

Print this fact sheet by R. Waskom and M. Neibauer* (10/14) Quick Facts… Water supply planners estimate that a typical household needs 0.4 -0.5 acre feet of water per year (approximately 150,000 gal) to satisfy the demands of a home and landscape. The installation of low-flow plumbing fixtures can save up to 30 percent of […]

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The Sun-Tempered Superinsulated House – 9.936

Print this fact sheet by K.R, Tremblay Jr.* (3/14) Quick Facts… A sun-tempered, superinsulated house combines passive solar and super-insulation. It features solar orientation, increased insulation, effective air/vapor barriers, controlled ventilation and improved windows. Design is flexible and fits a variety of architectural styles. It does not require attention for its operation, but is automatically […]

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Preventing Radon Problems in the Home – 9.953

Print this fact sheet by K.R. Tremblay Jr.* (12/16) Quick Facts… Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that can enter the home. Most of Colorado contains high concentrations of radon, considered the second highest cause of lung cancer. All Colorado homes should be tested for radon. Radon reduction methods can be planned for and […]

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Conservación de energia en el Hogar – 10.610

Imprimir esta hoja por K.R. Tremblay Jr.* (6/09) Datos Importantes… Una casa promedio usa 38 por ciento del consumo total annual de energía en calentamiento. Cuando una casa está habitada, el termostato debería establecerse a 68 F para lograr una máxima eficiencia de calentamiento. Instalar un sistema de aire acondicionado central solamente cuando aire acondicionado […]

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Buying Your First Home – 9.937

Print this fact sheet by K.R. Tremblay Jr. and R.C. Collins1 (12/05) Quick Facts… Home ownership has both advantages and disadvantages. It is not always the best choice at a given time. Buying your first home requires planning and saving. Prepare a checklist to help you shop for a home. Prequalify for a mortgage to […]

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Preventing Youth and Adult Suicide – 10.213

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch, C.L. Collins, and D. Whitney 1 (4/08) Quick Facts… Seven 10- to 14-year-old and 51 15- to 19-year-old Coloradans took their own lives in 2005. Each year approximately 720 Coloradans die by suicide. Colorado counties with the highest suicide rates between 2001 and 2003 were: Sedgwick, Costilla, Gilpin, Saguache, […]

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Transitions and Changes: Practical Strategies – 10.214

Print this fact sheet by S. Quick, R.J. Fetsch and M. Rupured* (6/11) Quick Facts… Transitions and the disruption involved challenge people to concentrate on today and the moment. Seeing life’s changes as being like changing seasons can help. Many people fail to realize that every transition begins with an ending. Learning how to finish […]

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Happier Holidays – 10.208

Print this fact sheet by P. Johnson and J. Carroll* (11/13) Quick Facts… Holiday expectations can be reasonable. Advanced planning and preparation reduce holiday stress. Consistent routines make holidays pleasurable. Commercial pressures can be resisted. Keep plans and activities manageable to create positive feelings. Holiday traditions produce a balance between the expected and the unfamiliar. […]

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Farming, Ranching: Health Hazard or Opportunity? – 10.201

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch* (6/11) Quick Facts… Farm owners were among the top 12 occupations with a significant incidence of stress-related illnesses, according to a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health study. Stress is a personal response to a perceived threat. Failure to recognize early warning stress symptoms can lead to […]

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Dealing With Our Anger – 10.236

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch and B. Jacobson* Revised by C.J. Kemp, A. Quinn, & C.A. Fruhauf** (12/13) Quick Facts… It helps to understand anger if we look at its three components: thinking, feeling and acting. The first step to managing anger is to be aware of and acknowledge the feelings that indicate […]

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