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Search Results for: energy

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Understanding the DASH Diet – 9.374

Print this fact sheet by J. Clifford and K. Maloney* (11/15) Quick Facts… DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. The DASH eating plan is rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. It focuses on consuming low-fat and fat-free dairy products, along with nuts, seeds, beans, and limited amounts of lean meats, poultry, and […]

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Guide for Producing Dryland Camelina in Eastern Colorado – 0.709

Print this fact sheet by J.N. Enjalbert and J.J. Johnson* (7/11) Quick Facts… Eastern Colorado’s wheat-based, cropping system covers more than 4 million acres and spring-planted camelina would fit well into a dryland crop rotation. Unlike spring canola and Indian brown mustard, camelina is tolerant of flea beetles and other insects. Camelina can be grown […]

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Dryland Cropping Systems – 0.516

Print this fact sheet by R.L. Croissant, G.A. Peterson and D.G. Westfall * (12/14) Revised by B. Bosley** Quick Facts… Soils under no-till production systems store more water than soils on conventional stubble mulch systems and allow conversion to more intense crop rotations. Conversion to no-till systems using a three- to four-year rotation such as […]

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Current Impacts of Outdoor Growth of Cannabis in Colorado – 0.308

Print this fact sheet by Bob Hammon, John Rizza, Doug Dean* (7/15) Amendment 64, section 16 (d) to the Colorado Constitution defines Industrial hemp (a distinct variety of Cannabis sativa L.) as a plant of the genus Cannabis and any part of that plant, whether growing or not, containing a Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) concentration of […]

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Childhood Overweight and Obesity – 9.317

Print This Fact Sheet by L. Bellows and R. Moore*(3/13) Updated by J. Clifford and S. Mi* (11/21) Quick Facts… Obesity is defined as an excess percentage of body weight due to fat, which places one at risk for many health problems. Overweight and obese children have an increased risk of being overweight as adults. […]

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Benefits of Breastfeeding – 9.385

Print this fact sheet Updated by J. Clifford and S. Mi* (05/22)* Quick Facts… Breastfeeding Recommendations Breastfeeding is regarded as the optimal feeding method for infants. In fact, infants who breastfeed have a decreased risk for ear infections, allergies, as well as gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. Breastfeeding is also associated with a lowered risk of […]

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If Your Freezer Stops – 9.357

Print this fact sheet by L.Price and P. Kendall1 (12/10) Quick Facts… Because a freezer full of food is a major investment, prepare alternatives if it stops. Factors that affect how long food stays frozen if it is in the freezer with the door shut include: the amount of food in the freezer, the kind […]

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Leathers and Jerkies – 9.311

Print this fact sheet by P. Kendall and J. Sofos* (5/12) Quick Facts… Fruit leather is made by drying thin layers of pureed fruit in the oven or dehydrator. Fruit leather dries in 4 to 10 hours at 140°F to 145°F. Properly dried fruit leather is translucent and slightly tacky to the touch, but easily […]

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Cost of Preserving and Storing Food – 8.704

Print this fact sheet by P. Kendall and L. Payton 1 (8/08) Quick Facts… Home food preservation saves money for some people. For others it may not save anything. Costs to consider when figuring the economics of food preservation include: produce and ingredients, equipment and supplies, fuel consumption, capital outlays, time and energy, and the […]

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Health Benefits and Safe Handling of Salad Greens – 9.373

Print this fact sheet by M. Bunning and P. Kendall1 (6/12) Quick Facts… Lettuce, spinach, and other salad greens are an important part of a healthful diet because they can be year-round sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, and other nutrients. Red and dark green leafy vegetables are generally higher in antioxidants, Vitamin B6, and […]

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