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Search Results for: energy

Dealing With Others’ Anger – 10.237

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch and B. Jacobson* Revised by C.J. Kemp, A. Quinn, & C.A. Fruhauf** (12/13) Quick Facts… Knowing how to “de-fuse” tense situations can improve your relationships. Knowing how to prepare for potentially dangerous situations can help save a life — yours or a family member’s. Being abused or neglected […]

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Dealing With Couples’ Anger – 10.238

Print this fact sheet Revised by A. Quinn, C.J. Kemp, and C.A. Fruhauf** Quick Facts… Today, 45-50% of first time marriages end in divorce. Second and third marriages have a significantly higher rate of divorce. Of the 50% of couples who do not divorce, perhaps half are truly happy. The major predictor of divorce and […]

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Children’s Anger and Tantrums – 10.248

Print this fact sheet by R.J. Fetsch and B. Jacobson* (12/13) Quick Facts… Tantrums typically appear at age 2 or 3 and start to decline by 4. Twenty-three to 83 percent of all 2- to 4-year-olds have occasional temper tantrums. How parents respond is critical in tantrum management. Parents can learn to calm themselves, state […]

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Water Heating in Colorado Homes – 10.637

Print this fact sheet by C. Weiner* (7/19) Quick Facts… On average, homes in Colorado use about 20 gallons of hot water per person per day. Many options exist for reducing hot water use that are simple and either free or inexpensive. At present, greater savings can be expected through conservation and efficiency if using […]

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Uso de un monitor de Energía para Controlar sus Costos de Electricidad – 10.628

Imprimir esta hoja por C. Weiner and I. Shonle* (5/11) Datos Importantes… Un monitor de energía es un dispositivo que ayuda a entender el consumo de electricidad en una casa. “Cargas fantasmas” representan alrededor de un 10 por ciento en promedio del consumo de energía en los hogares. Electrodomésticos que usan ciclo, como refrigeradores y […]

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Using a Power Monitor to Control Your Electricity Costs – 10.628

Print this fact sheet by C. Weiner and I. Shonle* (11/14) Quick Facts… A power monitor is a device that can help you understand your home’s electricity consumption. Phantom loads can account for up to 10 percent of the average household’s electricity consumption. Appliances that cycle, such as refrigerators and water heaters, will need to […]

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Introduction to Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems – 10.627

Print this fact sheet by K. Crumbaker and P. McCarty* (8/13) Quick Facts… Solar hot water systems collect energy from the sun in panels or tubes to produce domestic hot water used in a home or building. A fundamental requirement for a solar system is to have a sunny location where solar collectors can function […]

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Insulating Colorado Homes – 10.635

Print this fact sheet by C. Weiner* (6/19) Quick Facts… Insulation keeps heat in the home during cold months and also keeps unwanted heat out during warm months. A well insulated home is tightly sealed and has recommended levels of insulation around the exterior of all conditioned spaces (spaces where heating and/or cooling are provided). […]

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Heating Colorado Homes – 10.636

Print this fact sheet by C. Weiner* (7/19) Quick Facts… 54% of all energy expenses for the average home in Colorado go toward space heating. Tightly sealed, well insulated homes can be much less expensive to heat than leaky, poorly insulated homes. Older furnaces and boilers can have efficiencies as low as 56%, while new  […]

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Air Sealing Colorado Homes – 10.634

Print this fact sheet by C. Weiner* (7/19) Quick Facts… Uncomfortable drafts and high energy bills are often the result of a home with gaps and cracks between living spaces and the outdoors or unconditioned spaces. Air sealing is an important step in making one’s home more energy efficient and comfortable. A blower door test […]

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